I have worde from you a yene, weche I must have be Sonday come sevenyte at the fertheste, for on the Wednesdaye nexte after that we shal mete a yene at Sporle.
He told me John Threscher come to hym in your name, and seide that ye sent hym to my ladde for a letter or a token, weche I shulde have sent you, but he truste hym not; he wold not delyver hym noon.
I had a lawfull astate, weche was apoynted before Michelmes last past; weche is not yet done.
And sodenly Bakton departed hem be the avice of [the Prior of Bro]mholme, and John Bowle and other, weche meved Bakton that I shulde not have my bargein; and so they entende to putte me from my bergein.
I have done on the place, wechewith these mony and costes drawith xijli.
If I had it, I wolde truste to make it a goode thynge, for ther is moche thynge ther by that myght be had in to it, weche causeth me to be the more desirous to it.
Cristemas, I wol take non avauntage of the obligacion, weche Trovy is bounde to me.
Upon the weche I bargeyned with Trovy, payng to hym for hes parte c.
For I have notable and grete causis syth the lettere cam from hym, the qweche hath chaungyd my purpos, and be my master the Schreve is wrytyng, on to weche I must aplie me, all excusis leyd apart.
And suche tyme as they were delyvered Fitz William whas there, weche is now keper of Castre; and what tyme as my Lorde had sene the lettres, he comaunded hym to avoide, and so he did.
Also I pray yow that ye wylle weche save to recomaunde me to my fadyr and my modyr and tellyth heer that alle herr chyldyrryn ben in gode hele, blyssyd be Godd.
I pray yow that ye wylle weche save to beyn for me swech lacys os I send yow exsaumpyll of in this letter and j.
Lords of Suffolk fee, my Lords of Norwich fee, and on all men grounde, so that they myght not have her catell in reste, weche cauced hem to paye her money.
I herde sey sith I come to London theyeweche ye dempte to be of my councell thanne where at Wolsyngham or Thepala (?
Item, the scheryff tolde me that my maistre tolde hym that I whas assent to my takyng at Scoolys, weche was to me ryght greete hevynes and discomforture nough in my trouble.
It is more large thanne master John is, as ye schal undrestand, wherof I send you a copy, weche causeth me that I labour no ferther therin.
Wherfore I wol not do therin unto the tyme that I have answere from your mastership, weche I beseche you it may be hast.
Weche suerte is taken, and a letter wreten to the undrescheryff of Suffolk acordynge herto.
Has spoken with Dame Alice Weche and Geoffrey Spyrlyng, who have agreed to set a tenant to occupy the lands in dispute till Paston comes home.
Plese you that ye remembr the bill I sent you at Hallowmesse for the place and londs at Boyton weche Cheseman had in his ferme for v.
Prevy Seale whas delyverd hym, wechehe can not doo, for the vj.
Ther be come to London Embasetors from the Duke of Burgundy, weche cauced the Kyng to spede hym the rather to London.
Wyllam Paston, your broder, certayn oblygacyonys, of the weche the dute xuld grow to my convent yn Norwyche.
Heylesdon, for it was told me that they schuld come and pulle me out of the place, weche cauced me to kepe the place the strenger at that tyme.
And the shreve of Kent doth weche the body, and sent his under shreve to the juges to wete what to doo, and also to the Kenge whatte shalbe doo.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "weche" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.