See what a fine Fellow he is, and how he trudges along.
The frost is getting harder now, and it is good, firm going, but Isak trudges heavily for all that.
He trudges on; bird and beast are silent all about him; now and again he utters a word or two; speaking to himself.
One copper suffices to induce her to call down untold blessings on the head of the donor, and she trudges away in the mud, barefooted, repeating her entreaties till they sound almost a wail, as she turns the next corner.
With a shame-faced, hang-dog air he trudges round, wondering what will be his lot, though a sad one it is already.
Hodge goes in to the market in charge of his master's sheep, his wifetrudges in for household necessaries.
Instead of waiting for the chance of the hiring fair, he trudgesinto the market town and calls at the office of the oldest established local paper.
The creature has a companion, sometimes, in an unfleshed skeleton that trudges about the ash and clay and haunts the camps in a search for music.
I want him to come fishing with me to-morrow: he's the best man about here for that, and trudges behind one for miles without complaining.
Not in the great hour of his petition, but as he trudges along the dusty road of life the cleansing comes to him, and the burden which he prayed might be taken from him, and which seemed to be left to bear, drops unnoticed by the way.
And this is the reward of the plain, unnoticed man as he trudges home in the dark,--that he has done his duty well that night.
He is thinking, not of some limp and helpless soul clinging to something outside itself, but rather of a masculine, vigorous, rational life, which shoulders its own responsibility and trudges along under it.
See, too, how slowly the unpractised apprehension of an older child trudges after the nimbleness of a conjurer.
Change that trudges through our own world--our contemporary world--is not very mysterious.
Come over and see what he thinks," adds the autocrat of the train, as he trudges off through the snow towards one of the locomotives on the Y.
Her arms clasp themselves trustingly round his neck, as he trudges through the snow, bearing his happiness with him.
Scarce, however, have they completed their goodly superstructure when in trudges a phalanx of opposite authors with Hans de Laet, the great Dutchman, at their head, and at one blow tumbles the whole fabric about their ears.
The iron cuts into his ankle, and he trudges painfully under the heavy weight.
The venerable Captain of the Block trudges past the cells, stroking his flowing white beard, and profusely swearing at the men.
And that lean, bent old man trudges after that heavy blade of iron pulled by a couple of horses while we go down to eat?
She is on the Village Council, which obsequiously trudges up the hill and over the moor to her, and (as she is a trifle deaf) speaks all its speeches into her speaking trumpet instead of a rostrum.
And up the lad has to get, and my lord trudges alongside of him with his hands in his pockets, and his cap on the back of his head, a-whistling and talking as easy as you please!
With blanket, bait, and bacon on a small hand-sled, silently the trapper trudges forward.
Down far trails in gloomy forests, across the breasts of silent streams, the Chipewyan trudges from trap to trap; if he finds fifty dollars worth of fur along the whole line he is content.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trudges" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.