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Example sentences for "truelie"

Lexicographically close words:
trudges; trudging; true; trued; truei; truely; trueness; truer; truest; trueth
  1. Now when the king was truelie certified that the Scotish king was returned home, he staied all the preparations made at that time to go against him.

  2. Truelie the realme of England was in maner diuided (with the rumor and vaine fable spred abroad of this twise borne duke) into partakings and contrarie factions.

  3. Truelie how little good will inwardlie Lewes and his Frenchmen bare towards the English nation, it appeered sundrie waies.

  4. For it standeth not with their enuious nature to alter their malicious maners; as the old prouerbe saith truelie of them: Celtica natura semper sequitur sua iura.

  5. And so the earle of Mortaigne was licenced to returne into England at his pleasure, swearing an oth at his departure to obeie the kings beheast, and truelie to serue him, according to the dutie of a good and loiall subiect.

  6. Truelie (said they) you shall not runne away," and herewith went out with noise and threatnings.

  7. Truelie it is nothing else but the washing of the combes, when the honie is wroong out, and one of the best things that I know belonging thereto is, that they spend but [Sidenote: Hydromel.

  8. But how truelie this is affirmed let the learned iudge: onelie it shall suffice for Doctor Caius to haue said thus much of spaniels and dogs of the gentle kind.

  9. For truelie if a man regard such necessities as nature onelie requireth, there is no nation vnder the sunne, that can saie so much as ours: sith we doo want none that are conuenient for vs.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "truelie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.