Well, said the Pope, Haue you no other cause against Anselme, but that he hath appealed to the Apostolicall Sea, and without licence of your King hath trauailed thither?
So the Archbishop crossed the Seas into France, rested a while at Lions, and then trauailed ouer the Alpes to Rome; where he was enterteined by Pope Vrbane, with more then ordinarie ceremonies of honour.
And haue you taken all this paines (said he) haue you trauailed thus farre to tell me this?
But being in Italie conuersant with a certaine gentleman, who had long trauailed the Orientall parts of the world, and seene the Courts of the great Princes of China and Tartarie.
They trauailedthrough a great and long streete, which seemed vnto them to be more than a league, and thought that they had gone through the citie.
Made and set fourth by the Author of this Book, as well by that which he hath seene; as also by true relation that he had of the religious and barefoot Fryers of the order of Saint Francis, who trauailed the same the yeare 1584.
And thus farre had we trauailed from the beginning of Lent vntill eight dayes after Easter.
Then taking our iourney to returne, we trauailed all Winter long, lying in the deserts oftentimes vpon the snow, except with our feete wee made a piece of ground bare to lye vpon.
From hence wee trauailed vnto Corrensa, to whom, requiring gifts the second time at our hands, we gaue none, because we had not wherewithall.
Notwithstanding I my self had publickely giuen out vpon Palme Sunday within the Church of Sancta Sophia, that I was not your nor any other mans messenger, but that I trauailed vnto those infidels according to the rule of our order.
Friers, who were some of the first Christians that trauailed farthest that way, and brought home most particular intelligence & knowledge of all things which they had seene.
The mountaines be in breadth of such quantitie, as a man is able to traueile ouer in a fortnight, and in some places no more then may be trauailed in sixe dayes.
And vnder colour and pretence of visiting his brother, he rode to Venice, where after he had cured himselfe of the duke's bitinges fastened in his fleshe, he trauailed into Turkey.
And then having left his Bishopricke which was committed vnto him ouer the Church of Wilton, and having resigned the same vnto Hermannus aboue mentioned, passed ouer the seas, and trauailed through Hungarie vnto Ierusalem, &c.
In this maner I trauailed fiue dayes alwayes finding inhabited places with great hospitalitie and intertainments, and many Turqueses, and Oxe-hides, and the like report concerning the countrey.
And from thence I trauailed still South and by East seuen dayes iourney, passing by certaine Indian townes, vntill I came to an Indian towne distant from Mexico, direct South 309.
Frobisher the further he trauailed in the former passage, as he tolde me, the deeper always he found the Sea.
We trauailed so diligently, that in a short space the Fort was made in some sort defenciable.
M509) And as I trauailed this way and that way, it happened that two of my Carpenters were killed by the two sonnes of king Emola, and by one whose name was Casti, as they went on walking to the village called Athore.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trauailed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.