Great trade and traffique is here of cotton, and of cloth of cotton.
The men of the maine land haue certeine traffique with some of these ylanders, and come thither in a kind of ships, which they haue with one saile, and bring of such marchandize as they haue need of.
These are the best townes, and of the best traffique that are vpon all this coast.
Sidenote: Truck and traffique with the Indians for mother of pearle, and other things.
Our General made a breach, entred, and valiantly tooke the towne, wherein we found fiue Portugals which yeelded themselues to his mercie, and hee saued their liues: we tooke and caried thence for traffique to the West Indies 500.
All this coast from California to the hauen of Acapulco is inhabited by people that haue peace and traffique with the Spaniards, and are of condition and qualities like the people of the other places of new Spaine.
Sidenote: Traffique prohibited] Their mindes were so alienated before, that bearing hauty stomacks on both parts, euen the mutuall traffique of their Marchants was prohibited.
Ienkinsons laudable and well-begun enterprise, vnder the foresayd Shaugh Thamas, vnder Shally Murzey the new king of Hircan, and lastly our traffique with Osman Basha the great Turkes lieutenant at Derbent.
Sidenote: The ancient traffique of England with Island.
Moreouer, there hath bene ancient traffique of Denmarke, Breme, and Lubeck with the Islanders.
There may you see the friendly league betweene king Henry the second, and the famous Germane Emperour Friderick Barbarossa, and the gracious authorizing of both their merchats to traffique in either of their dominions.
The original proceedings and successe of the Northren domestical and forren trades and traffique of this Isle of Britain from the time of Nero the Emperour, who deceased in the yeere of our Lord 70.
King of Norway concerning a treatie of peace and mutuall traffique of marchandize, &c.
And that in Cities, Boroughs, and market townes of the sayd kingdome and dominion they may traffique onely by the great [Footnote: Wholesale.
Conradus de Iungingen the master general of Prussia, for mutual conuersation and intercourse of traffique to continue between the marchants of England and of Prussia, for a certeine terme of time IX.
The people of the said Citie doe traffique vnto the Citie of Mosco: their commodities are spices, muske, ambergreese, rubarbe, with other drugs.
Besides the naturall inhabitants of the foresayd places, they had, euen in those dayes, traffique with Iewes, Turkes, and other forreiners.
It tells the Conqueror, That farre-stretcht powre Which his proud dangers traffique for, Is but the triumph of an houre.
How fondly have I spent My youthes unvalued treasure, lent To traffique for Cœlestiall joyes?
Thus haue I (as I trust) prooued that we may iustly trade and traffique with the Sauages, and lawfully plant and inhabite their Countries.
All which are matters in trade and traffique of great moment.
And yet not so diuided, but that eche society may freely and frankely trade and traffique one with the other.
The sixth Chapter sheweth that, the traffiqueand planting in those countries, shall be vnto the Sauages themselues very beneficiall and gainefull.
That it shall not be lawful for any of her Maiesties subiects, or any other to inhabite or traffique within one hundred leagues any way of the place, where the Generall haue setled his chiefest being or residence.
The second Part or Chapter sheweth, that it is lawfull and necessarie to trade and traffique with the Sauages: And to plant in their Countries: And diuideth planting into two sorts.
We sent commodities to their king to barter for Amber-griese, and for the hornes of Abath, whereof the king onely hath the traffique in his hands.
Siuill a citie in Spaine, intending there to traffique with them.
Thomas Gregory of Tanton, and others, for traffique betweene the riuer of Nonnia and the riuers of Madrabumba and Sierra Leona on the coast of Guinea, in the yeere 1592.
Which they did onely to cut us off from all knowledge of the state and traffique of the countrey.
The originall of the first voyage for traffique into Marocco.
Here I tooke the boate with our Negros and ranne alongst the shore till I came to the Cape and found two small townes, but no boates at them, neither any traffique to be had.
But the kingdom of China is, in this regard, so highly extolled, because there is not any region in the East partes that aboundeth so with marchandise, and from whence so much traffique is sent abroad.
And here we could haue no traffique with the Negros but three or foure dayes in the weeke, and all the rest of the weeke they would not come at vs.
Into this port enter all such vessels as traffique to this place.
This city is accompted for traffique of marchandize the chiefe city of the world: for there is no kinde of victuals, nor anything else belonging vnto marchandize, which is not to be had there in great abundance.
And all strangers which come to traffique there, except the Venetians, are vnder the French Consull.
This king loued strangers marueilous well, especially marchants which had traffique in and out of his kingdome, in such wise that hee would take no custome of them, neither any other grieuous thing.
Marchants comming vnto this region for traffique do vsually bring with them fat men, selling them vnto the inhabitants as we sel hogs, who immediatly kil and eat them.
It is certeine, that this hauen of Alexandria is one of the chiefest hauens in the world: for hither come to traffique people of euery Nation, and all sorts of vessels which goe round about the citie.
For they by reason of the warres of Swethland being hindered from the traffique of the Moscouites and of the Narue in Liefland, opened a passage for themselues by the Ocean sea, beyond the Northerne latitude of 70.
But if no traffique were, then could I boldly pen The hardnesse of the soile, and eke the maners of the men.
And I haue gratified them and giuen them free leaue to traffique throughout all the dominions of our kingdom in all cities with their goods, to buy and sell all maner of commodities, without any dutie or custome whatsoeuer.
Which thing proueth America, not onely to be one Island, and in no part adioyning to Asia: But also that the people of those Countreys, haue not had any traffique with each other.
Sidenote: Traffiquewith some other nation vnknowen.
England, hauing great desire to traffique for the spices as the Portingalls did.
If you can keepe a safe Hauen, although you haue not the friendship of the neere neighbours, yet you may haue traffique by sea vpon one shore or other, vpon that firme in time to come, if not present.
The people there to plant and to continue are eyther to liue without traffique, or by traffique and by trade of marchandise.
An act against the exaction of money or any other thing by any officer for licence to traffique into Iseland and Newfoundland, made in An 2.
They bring great store of gold vvith them, vvhich they traffique and exchange for siluer, and give vveight for vveight.
Their object is definitely stated to have been a "great desire to traffique for the spices as the Portingals did.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "traffique" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.