They were incorporated in January, 1896, with a townsite comprising fifty-nine acres.
Frank Fossett wrote in 1880 in his Colorado that Capitol City was located at the junction of the two forks of Henson Creek, nine miles west of Lake City, in a park most of which was embraced by the Lee townsite patent.
On the townsite proper there was only the derelict mansion which was being destroyed from every angle.
Not many years afterward the many bears and mountain sheep had the townsite all to themselves, and the bears could laugh at Lulu City's renowned trap.
Holgate logged for me on their claims, south of the townsite toward the head of the bay.
General McCarver settled in Tacoma when thetownsite was first laid out and is well known.
Or, since misery loves company, she ventures upon some waterless townsite and voices in unexpectant cadences the universal yearning for green things and cessation of wind.
They deployed upon the townsite in search of insects, and uttered plaintive notes of Sialian quality, varied by dainty, thrush-like tsooks of alarm when too closely pressed.
We have the townsite all laid out, and now we're checking to make sure the lines are straight," Jak told him.
We have here the two sets of photographs, taken from a height of five miles as specified by our rulings, of the townsite that we require to be laid out.
And we have to lay out a townsite on the most Earthlike planet, mostly to show we actually have been there and spent some time there.
Why don't we circle around a bit and look for our townsite from the air?
Also this dock was sufficiently far up the bay to be sheltered from the heavy seas that rolled in from Humboldt Bar, while the level land that stretched inland to the timber-line constituted the only logical townsite on the bay.
The secretary of the company was, at that moment, doing duty in another part of the room, as president of The North American Townsite & Irrigation Company, consequently Houston did not meet him until later.
Francis Aydelot had taken up the land from the government before the townsite was thought of.
The Champers Town Company is ready to locate a townsite and start a town right here at the deep bend of Grass River.
An' he make a townsite dere, yust where Doc Carey take oop.
The end may show you more capable, but I decline to buy stock, or to donate, or sell any land for a townsite at the deep bend of Grass River.
The shifting cattle drives and a short-lived townsite speculation had been the causes for the rails coming; then the drives stopped at nearer terminals and the speculation blew up--but the rails remained.
There were several two-story frame buildings, evidently built while the townsite game was on.
In such event the lands so withheld from homestead entry and settlement will, at the time of said opening and not before, become subject to settlement, entry, and disposition under the general townsite laws of the United States.
None of said ceded lands will be subject to settlement, entry, or disposition under such general townsite laws except in the manner herein prescribed until after the expiration of sixty days from the time of said opening.
He had known landowners who had held the mistaken belief that a strong corporation could be forced to adopt a certain location for a townsite merely because it was the best.
More than that, if he, Braden, overtopped that figure, they would let him keep the land, and they would make a townsite elsewhere.
Well, in a week or so I'll own the Mackay ranch, and be in shape to make them a definite townsite proposition whenever they do come.
He hinted that he had some sort of a townsite proposition to make to us, and if that place back there is it I give him credit for a good eye.
Rice," said Mr. Clark, "I expect to be able to put you in on a townsite deal in a couple of weeks that will make you some money if you undertake to give the camp some publicity.
Elliott and his associates had staked out a townsite which they called Rhyolite.
We have a good townsite on the Pataha Creek; good roads running to the place.
The company still owns about one-third of the townsite of Clarkston and about five thousand acres of land, of which 927.
Rigsby added to the townsite the tract known as Rigsby's addition.
A townsite had been laid out, streets surveyed, and before long it became known that the Territory had a new city, the name of which was Phoenix.
Viewing the townsite as their private property, when they sold they forever conveyed away their claim to the streets.
But the townsite is not private property, although it has unjustifiably been so claimed from the first settlement of the Colony.
A key part of the search has been the systematic excavation of the townsite itself, in order to bring to light the information and objects long buried there.
Jamestown, Virginia, theTownsite and Its Story (Historical Handbook Series No.
Rather more than half a mile below Forty Mile townsite the town of Cudahy was founded on the north side of Forty Mile River in the summer of 1892.
At the mouth of Sixty Mile Creek a townsite of that name is located, it is the headquarters for upwards of 100 miners and where they more or less assemble in the winter months.
Footnote 13: Forty Mile townsite is situated on the south side of the Forty Mile River at its junction with the Yukon.
It was the only townsite where trees stood, and the investors thought it a great thing that they would not have to wait a score of years to grow them.
Then to the president of the Townsite Company, second of three sons of the Iowa Governor.
The Amroites paid little attention to the platting of the townsite to the north, nor made a single effort to ascertain which survey the railroad would follow, but continued to boast that Amro would get the road.
Then he brought up the matter of the distribution of lots which was, that to every person who moved or began to move to the new townsite within thirty days, one-half of the purchase price of the lot would be refunded.
On May 6th five men were detailed to cross the Big Horn river and survey a townsite and ranches, and another party of four was sent out prospecting for gold.
We camped seven days at the mouth of the Big Horn and laid out a townsite which we called Big Horn City.
There is a townsite laid out two miles north of the fort, called Tuba, which stands upon a plat of good soil, with good springs of water.
It has always been believed that Fairbury lost the road because the officials of the road, who also comprised the townsite company, thought they could make more by building up new towns of their own.
South of the little townsite of Fremont the Platte river moved sluggishly along to meet and be swallowed up in the great Missouri.
Mr. French surveyed and laid out the original townsite which was named after Sutton, Massachusetts.
The old townsite was soon abandoned and the town of Plum Creek on its present site became a reality.
The first little log school was erected on the townsite of Blair, the patrons cutting and hauling the lumber.
Immediately after the survey Sidney Mason built the first house upon the townsite of Fairbury, on the corner northwest of the public square, where now stands the U.
The reason for the change of townsite was a fight by Freeman against the Union Pacific company.
Cuming City, like De Soto, received its death blow when Blair was founded, and now the townsite is given over to agricultural purposes.
He t-took outtownsite papers and built that town up there.
The townsite papers were in Duke's name; but it had been Mr. Jay's money that had built the town and he had put himself firmly in control by tying Duke up with notes and contracts and such.
William Granger was the only married man of the group, and his purpose in returning to Red Wing was two-fold--that of advertising the townsite which had been selected and of bringing back his family in the spring of 1857.
After resolving upon permanent settlement all but William Granger decided to remain during the coming fall and winter and engage in preparing the townsite for prospective settlers.
These men, moreover, were members of a townsitecompany which had been founded in May, 1856, at Red Wing, Minnesota.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "townsite" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.