In very disagreeable weather we landed at Norfolk, a city of ten thousand inhabitants, and took our lodgings in Carr's Hotel, a tolerably good tavern.
At the tavern where we had put up, we found a tolerably good dinner, and towards evening returned to Utica.
In addition to the buildings just enumerated, Mr. Lloyd has a tolerably good house, and the surgeon of the colony, who is a naval officer, has also one assigned for his residence.
Here, at a well of tolerably good water, called Gatfa, the camels were loaded with water for five days.
Several of the people who were in the castle came along with them, and by the assistance of those, who could speak Arabic, they were able to keep up a tolerably good conversation.
It is everywhere visited by shepherds, from the convenience of its numerous wells of tolerably good water; in the neighbourhood of these the Ozbegs constantly pitch their tents.
Musselman oftolerably good education, could not misapprehend my meaning, i.
From what I have said in the previous pages upon the subject of the recent history of Khiva and Khokand, one may form a tolerably good idea of the terms upon which the different Khanats live with each other.
Pine Mount is stony, but covered with large trees of the kind denoted by its epithet; the country between it and the water side is grassy, bears timber trees, and is of a tolerably good soil, such as might be cultivated.
For the parts of the faulty combination, grouped better to make a tolerably good combination, could not have been used properly to form the whole and perfect combination.
Mr. Fitzpatrick had been here a week, during which time his men had been occupied in refitting the camp; and the repose had been very beneficial to his animals, which were now in tolerably good condition.
Up to this point, with the exception of two stolen by Indians, we had lost none of the horses which had been brought from the Columbia river, and a number of these were still strong and in tolerably good order.
While the outside was very attractive and in tolerably good repair, it was the interior that appealed especially.
The interior was not as dilapidated as in most old houses, being in tolerably good repair.
If it is an old house that is in tolerably good repair at the present time, it may be that under some previous owner the roof fell into decay, and rains soaked through.
Its trade consists in the sale of its cattle, which are in vast numbers, together with that of its corn, wood, and wines, which are occasionally of tolerably good quality.
It is drawn by two or three horses, and proceeds at a tolerably good pace.
Every necessary of life is cheap in this town: their beer is tolerably good.
The others had no sleeping-bag with them, so they made themselves a cozy little hut of snow, into which they crawled in their wolfskin garments, and had a tolerably good night.
But the most important part of our equipment was, after all, our firearms, and these, fortunately, we had kept in tolerably good order.
The soil is reddish, gravelly, tolerably good, and well watered.
He submitted with a tolerably good grace to being dressed and taken to walk by a faithful old man-servant who had been with Maria’s father before she had been born.
The land around it is tolerably good, and therefore the place is reserved from sale.
We passed through a tolerably good country, but the soil was a little sandy, and it was three o'clock in the afternoon when we reached the plantation.
We proceeded by a tolerably good road to the Nieuwe Dorp,[151] but as the road ran continually in the woods, we got astray again in them.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tolerably good" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.