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Example sentences for "tolerably good"

  • We got him out, and were I to live a thousand years, which would be a tolerably good spell, I don't think I could forget his appearance.

  • In the afternoon we left Charlotteville, in a tolerably good stage, in order to go to Richmond, the chief town of Virginia, distant eighty miles.

  • This gives a tolerably good view of the falls.

  • In very disagreeable weather we landed at Norfolk, a city of ten thousand inhabitants, and took our lodgings in Carr's Hotel, a tolerably good tavern.

  • At the tavern where we had put up, we found a tolerably good dinner, and towards evening returned to Utica.

  • In addition to the buildings just enumerated, Mr. Lloyd has a tolerably good house, and the surgeon of the colony, who is a naval officer, has also one assigned for his residence.

  • Here, at a well of tolerably good water, called Gatfa, the camels were loaded with water for five days.

  • Several of the people who were in the castle came along with them, and by the assistance of those, who could speak Arabic, they were able to keep up a tolerably good conversation.

  • It is everywhere visited by shepherds, from the convenience of its numerous wells of tolerably good water; in the neighbourhood of these the Ozbegs constantly pitch their tents.

  • Musselman of tolerably good education, could not misapprehend my meaning, i.

  • From what I have said in the previous pages upon the subject of the recent history of Khiva and Khokand, one may form a tolerably good idea of the terms upon which the different Khanats live with each other.

  • There is also a well of tolerably good water.

  • The water is tolerably good, but a little purgative.

  • In tolerably good spirits, but utterly at a loss which route I shall take.

  • Pine Mount is stony, but covered with large trees of the kind denoted by its epithet; the country between it and the water side is grassy, bears timber trees, and is of a tolerably good soil, such as might be cultivated.

  • For the parts of the faulty combination, grouped better to make a tolerably good combination, could not have been used properly to form the whole and perfect combination.

  • Mr. Fitzpatrick had been here a week, during which time his men had been occupied in refitting the camp; and the repose had been very beneficial to his animals, which were now in tolerably good condition.

  • Up to this point, with the exception of two stolen by Indians, we had lost none of the horses which had been brought from the Columbia river, and a number of these were still strong and in tolerably good order.

  • While the outside was very attractive and in tolerably good repair, it was the interior that appealed especially.

  • The interior was not as dilapidated as in most old houses, being in tolerably good repair.

  • If it is an old house that is in tolerably good repair at the present time, it may be that under some previous owner the roof fell into decay, and rains soaked through.

  • Its trade consists in the sale of its cattle, which are in vast numbers, together with that of its corn, wood, and wines, which are occasionally of tolerably good quality.

  • The fortifications of Calais are kept in tolerably good repair.

  • It is drawn by two or three horses, and proceeds at a tolerably good pace.

  • Every necessary of life is cheap in this town: their beer is tolerably good.

  • The others had no sleeping-bag with them, so they made themselves a cozy little hut of snow, into which they crawled in their wolfskin garments, and had a tolerably good night.

  • But the most important part of our equipment was, after all, our firearms, and these, fortunately, we had kept in tolerably good order.

  • The soil is reddish, gravelly, tolerably good, and well watered.

  • He submitted with a tolerably good grace to being dressed and taken to walk by a faithful old man-servant who had been with Maria’s father before she had been born.

  • The land around it is tolerably good, and therefore the place is reserved from sale.

  • We passed through a tolerably good country, but the soil was a little sandy, and it was three o'clock in the afternoon when we reached the plantation.

  • We proceeded by a tolerably good road to the Nieuwe Dorp,[151] but as the road ran continually in the woods, we got astray again in them.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tolerably good" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    after that; ask your; but she only said; closer examination; constitutional rights; direct sunlight; doth make; face page; give away; great distances; inner chamber; million feet; moral power; quarter pounds; said calmly; similar origin; state what; stone unturned; sufficient water; tannic acid; tolerably good; tolerably large; tolerably well; well seen