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Example sentences for "tobogganing"

Lexicographically close words:
tobacker; tobes; tobies; toboggan; tobogganed; toboggans; toca; tocador; tocar; toccatas
  1. By the end of the week they had got into the habit of climbing on to the top of Cape Fury and tobogganing back again, more than a mile and a half, right down to Mr Smith's house.

  2. After that it didn't seem worth while to go tobogganing on any of the lower hills, and that was how it came about that the following Wednesday they found themselves as usual on the top of Cape Fury.

  3. But they soon fell asleep; and most of the next day they were out tobogganing with the other children, and they soon became so good at it that they could go as fast as any of them, and hardly ever had a spill.

  4. At the same time, as practised on a humbler scale nearer home, in company, and on a run selected for convenience rather than for picturesqueness, tobogganing is a very Bohemian amusement.

  5. It is as a dream that I recall the night of our tobogganing to Klosters, though it was full enough of active energy.

  6. She went tobogganing out behind the fort at ten o'clock, with the missionary's wife.

  7. He can spend a day on the rink or curling or tobogganing and not feel that he has wasted time.

  8. Excellent rinks and short bobbing and tobogganing runs are maintained.

  9. The rinks are well kept and the Klosters run of old renown is maintained in good condition for tobogganing or bobbing.

  10. There is a large and merry party of frozen-out fox-hunters at luncheon, after which everyone goes off to the tobogganing ground.

  11. From the window, which looks out to the south-east, can be seen the rifle range and tobogganing ground.

  12. One thing, however, was evident, namely, that the huge iceberg on which they had spent so many merry hours tobogganing was fast aground down to leeward of them.

  13. Before noon on the day after, however, Frank and Conal, who seemed now to be inseparable, climbed to the top of the tobogganing berg, and soon after caught a glimpse of the glorious sun.

  14. And she has asked me to a theatre party and a tobogganing party, so I think I ought to give something for them.

  15. Well was it for him that his pants were made of mooseskin, for they had a good testing of their qualities now, as rapidly on them he was now tobogganing down that steep, slippery hillside.

  16. The tobogganing games were given over entirely to the girls to compete in, and skillfully and well did they acquit themselves.

  17. His tobogganing slide had been abruptly ended by his being entangled in the harness of Frank's train coming on behind him.

  18. The clan was gathering for the first tobogganing of the season.

  19. Tobogganing this afternoon, if there is any faith in Merryweathers.

  20. There was a fair sheet of ice, obtained by cutting into the side of the mountain, and a very good tobogganing track, about half a mile in length and full of fine curves, common to the two hotels.

  21. Denry was wandering, apparently aimless, between the finish of the tobogganing track and the portals of the Métropole.

  22. When quietly on the march, both walking and tobogganing produce the same rate of progression, so that the string of arriving birds, tailing out in a long line as far as the horizon, appears as a well-ordered procession.

  23. The silence was unbroken save by the merry cries of some children tobogganing in the Kurhaus garden.

  24. He says I am to rouse myself and come skating and tobogganing with him.

  25. Perhaps I am; and no wonder, for aren't we going to have the biggest tobogganing match next Saturday afternoon that you ever heard of!

  26. Tobogganing has its perils, of course, and I might, if I chose, tell some experiences that would perhaps cause a nervous thrill; but what sport is absolutely free from danger?

  27. The boys of Bridgetown were all agreed that there had not been such a winter for tobogganing since they could remember; and if they ever thought of the weather-clerk at all, it was with feelings of the deepest gratitude.

  28. In the grounds of Rideau Hall, the official residence of the Governor-General of Canada, there are two immense slides, and tobogganing may there be enjoyed in full perfection.

  29. There's fine tobogganing up there, he says.

  30. We talked about him all through supper, when they got home--I did not go to the tobogganing myself--and we all said it was so nice of him.

  31. Swathed in furs she put in a morning tobogganing on the country-club hill; even tried skiing, to sail through the air for a glorious moment and then land in a tangled laughing bundle on a soft snow-drift.

  32. There'll be skating and skiing and tobogganing and sleigh-riding, and all sorts of torchlight parades on snow-shoes.

  33. Their friendship dated from the night of their first tobogganing together, when Randolph had discovered to his surprise that mademoiselle was "really a jolly girl, and with no nonsense in her.

  34. They had many another tobogganing after that first, and many a jolly waltz, and found that they suited each other to a nicety.

  35. Tobogganing was introduced to Switzerland from America, and ski-ing from Norway.

  36. Tobogganing strictly is a Red Indian sport, and the name is Red Indian.

  37. Tobogganing has the charm of a great bicycle "coast" many times multiplied.

  38. To those who come early in the season tobogganing and snow shoeing are not unusual experiences.

  39. Rhoda had enjoyed the pleasures of tobogganing before, but to Mildred and Kitty it was a new and delightful experience.

  40. I slid down the steep incline at a terrific pace, accompanied in my involuntary tobogganing over ice and snow by the screams of my horror-stricken coolies.

  41. Hours of tobogganing to-day had not exhausted her.

  42. Ain't Sam and I been watchin' you tobogganing with that fat old Walbrough dame all afternoon?

  43. After the meal Hebron announced that there would be good tobogganing outside after the course had been worn down a little.

  44. Were you at that tobogganing party where Captain Du Meresq hurt his ankle?

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tobogganing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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