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Example sentences for "thorough study"

  • In the vast majority of suspected cases of tuberculosis, thorough study of the history of the case, combined with thorough physical examination, furnishes all the necessary data for diagnosis and an efficient plan of treatment.

  • A thorough study of the history, thorough physical examination, examination of sputum (if any) give sufficient data for a reliable diagnosis in the vast majority of cases.

  • Thorough study of the history and thorough physical examination of each individual case are more important and should precede the application of any test.

  • The powers that have for centuries been engaged in enslaving the masses have made a thorough study of their psychology.

  • Havelock Ellis, the noted writer on sex psychology, has made a thorough study of the subject.

  • Next to Mr. Roe, there is James Bronson Reynolds, who has made a thorough study of the white slave traffic in Asia.

  • The effects of education and the press on American social, economic and political life have not been subjected to thorough study.

  • On the League of Nations a thorough study is S.

  • While connected with The Leader, Lewes had turned his attention to Goethe, and made a thorough study of his life and opinions.

  • I determined to go there and make a thorough study of the Bible and all the different religious bodies, and to fearlessly follow the truth wherever it might lead me.

  • One of my objects in entering this school was to make a thorough study of the different religious bodies and their doctrines.

  • I formed a desire to make a thorough study of all the different religious bodies of the world, to find out where the truth is, if there is any in religion.

  • I procured their literature and made a thorough study of their position.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thorough study" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    belligerent powers; blood heat; commanding them; continual burnt; dirty white; drew nearer; fierce struggle; next year; peace establishment; personal matters; que les; receive instruction; single soul; that any; thorough examination; thorough knowledge; thorough search; thorough study; thoroughly dissolved; thoroughly done; thoroughly good; thoroughly understood; thoroughly washed; thoroughly well; thy love; wish that