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Example sentences for "thick forest"

  • The road ascends on the left rocky bank of Solomon Creek, in a thick forest, over rough ground, so that we constantly had the steep precipice on the right hand.

  • The appearance of the bank was the same as before--an unbroken, thick forest, with here and there some little settlements.

  • The hills on each side are cloathed with a thick forest; their ascent is not too steep for cultivation, and the soil is excellent, being a fat brown earth.

  • The hill of calcareous breccias, which we have just mentioned as having once been an island in the ancient gulf, is covered with a thick forest of cylindric cactus and opuntia.

  • Leaving the ravine which descends from the Imposible, we entered a thick forest traversed by many small rivers, which are easily forded.

  • After crossing several savannahs strewed with large blocks of calcareous stone, we entered a thick forest.

  • On the left we discovered a narrow valley, extending as far as the mountains of the Guacharo, and covered with a thick forest.

  • At twelve miles crossed the open plains, and entered a thick forest of gums and other trees and shrubs.

  • Three miles further on the same course I ascended a low stony rise, from which I could see nothing but a thick forest of tall mulga and gums.

  • After that, we entered again a thick forest, and scrub almost impassable.

  • On the 29th June, I found another nest of similar construction, placed on the ground in thick forest, at the root of a shrub.

  • This is a fine body of water, about eight miles in length, surrounded by a thick forest of spruce, red and yellow cedar.

  • This fine body of water is about eight miles long and three miles wide, surrounded by a thick forest of spruce, red and yellow cedar.

  • He did not want to go home and have to answer his wife's questions about why he had an empty bag, so he went deeper and deeper into the thick forest.

  • At last, on the other side of that desolate plain, they came to a thick forest.

  • The little girl threw down the comb, and grew bigger and bigger, and its teeth sprouted up into a thick forest, thicker than this forest where we live--so thick that not even Baba Yaga could force her way through.

  • The descent was very rapid; at first through a thick forest, then into the open valley, where the heat became intense.

  • Our route was through a thick forest, the trees, as usual in these, magnificent, with their gigantic girth, and widespreading branches.

  • The river continued to be skirted on both sides by a thick forest.

  • The most remote part of the valley is covered by a thick forest.

  • We experienced great difficulty, amid a thick forest, in finding wood to make a fire, the branches of the trees in those equatorial regions where it always rains, being so full of sap, that they will scarcely burn.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thick forest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    divisions were; during our; increased quantity; linen cloth; literary language; merely nominal; much difficulty; nothing would; raise revenue; said court; sledge journey; thick batter; thick bush; thick coat; thick cream; thick darkness; thick forest; thick growth; thick layer; thick paper; thick paste; thick slice; thick weather; thick wood; thick woods; thickly wooded