Letters patents, to be forfaited at any time or times during the said terme of twelue yeres: which said allowance we doe straightly charge and commaund from time to time to be made to the sayd Erles, Thomas Starkie, &c.
The old topographers, Blondus Flavius and Lucius Faunus, give the name of Terme di Galuccio or Galuzze to the ruin, and this name has been ingeniously explained as referring to the Thermae or Basilica of Caius and Lucius.
There seem to have been two distinct sets of bath-rooms, which are generally called the Terme virili and the Terme muliebri by the Italian antiquaries.
Now I will not deney but ther are many of our people rude fellows, as these men terme them; yet I presume they will be governed by such as I set over them.
In likewise hee that by vertue performeth all his doinges, doth manifestlie shewe himselfe to be noble: and he that doth otherwise terme him, doth commit the faulte, and not he that is so called.
Saladine in the habite of a Marchaunt, was honourably receyued into the house of mayster Thorello, who went ouer the Sea, in company of the Christians, and assigned a terme of his wyfe when she should mary agayne.
Ye nede at thisterme rather to have had thre solicitours than in any other terme past this iij.
Malmysbury, a man of my Lord of Caunterbury, whiche hath spokyn with the seyd justise the last terme in Westmyster Halle.
Cristemasse and Middesomer, and ye schall be paied hit truly at London, in Hillary terme for the feste of Cristemasse, and Trinite terme for the feste of Midsomer; and I will be bounden for hym and [i.
Yn the ende of thys terme y suppose to be at London, and yn to west contre.
Rychard Calle tolde me that alle swhyche thyngys were lefte with Hery Barbore at the Tempyle Gate when the last terme was doo, and soo I sent yow worde in a lettyr whyche was wretyn on the Twesday next aftyr Seynt Looke,[245.
And if I durst, for your displesance, I wolde besech yow that ye wolde vouchesafe lat my saide son hafe the saide lifelode to ferme for terme of your life, payng to yow therfore yerely CC.
Sometimes their homage with their oth and bargaine is receiued for a certeine terme of yeares; sometimes for euer.
As Scot says, 'Sometimes their homage with their oth and bargaine is receiued for a certeine terme of yeares; sometimes for ever.
A terme borrowed of our common Lawyers, impression, also a new terme, but well expressing the matter, and more than our English word.
The Greekes call it [Asteismus] we may terme it the ciuill iest, because it is a mirth very full of ciuilitie, and such as the most ciuill men doo vse.
Nay but the terme (said he) is limited, 2 That in this thraldome Britons shall abide, And the iust reuolution measured, 4 That they as Straungers shalbe notifide.
So sprong these twinnes in wombe of Chrysogone, Yet wist she nought thereof, but sore affright, 8 Wondred to see her belly so vpblone, Which still increast, till she her terme had full outgone.
Him oft and oft I askt in priuitie, 6 Of what loines and what lignage I did spring: Whose aunswere bad me still assured bee, 8 That I was sonne and heire vnto a king, As time in her iust terme the truth to light should bring.
We may not chaunge (quoth he) this euil plight, 4 Till we be bathed in a liuing well; That is the terme prescribed by the spell.
Colladon and Alexander Marchant, our Lr̃es Patents of Priviledge for the sole vse and benifitt thereof, for the time and terme of fowerteene yeares, according to the statute in that case made and provided.
For erthely goodes bene transsitory, and wedding contynues for terme of lyfe, which with some folke is a full long terme.
I grete you welle, and lete you wete that this day Berth' Elys of Paston come to Norwych to me, and shewet me a rentall for the terme of Seynt Mich.
And also it is seyd in thys towne that ye have be good maister thys terme to Yatys, and many be ryth sory ther of, and that he dothe so well as it [is] seyd here that he dothe.
I conseyve, and ye drawe not to a conclucion thys terme that he wyll be as redy to rellesse .
Albeyt he seyde that he wolde suffer that the said Paston for terme of hys lyf shall have a loggyng yn a convenyent place yn the seyd maner of Castre withoute denyance of ony havyng intrest yn the seyd maner.
John, terme of his lif, and aftir his decese to the use of your seid besecher.
The name of this tree, as the Indyans terme yt, is called Pauame, and the Frenchemen called it Sassafras.
Wherfore mokel folk sayn, if a resonable creatures soule any thing fervently wilneth, affectuously he wilneth; and thus may wil, by terme of equivocas, in three wayes ben understande.
It pleaseth you to terme me by the name Mother and Queene: but I confesse my selfe to bee your handmayde.
And therefore am bolde without blushing feare to disclose the same, hoping that if your grace did knowe the secret concept of my poore faithfull harte, you woulde not iudge mee to be that woman which you terme me to be.
Cosin of Yorke, We here discharge your grace from being Regent in the parts of France, till terme of 18.
I understand by them but so many universall orders of beings, if I may so terme them all; for Hyle hath little or nothing of being.
Clare, } Circulation, The terme is taken from a toyish observation, viz.
Here the stage & scaffold were pul'd downe which had stood from Cristmas, and it was resolved that upon the chaunge of the weather, the terme should begin on the Munday following.
To make an end of this nighte's sporte, all departed merry and very well pleased, the actors were much commended, and the terme for their sakes prorogued one day longer.
Also the quarterages of the yomanry was this daye demised unto the wardens of the yomanry from the xvj{th} of September next ensuinge for the terme of .
Readers to this Society for the future shall bee elected for noe longer terme then fower yeares onely at one time Ord{rd} by the Court that D{r} [E.
This daye Peter Saunderson certiefied the Court that hee had offered to inroll his apprentice before the Chamberlin and it was denyed him because the apprentice could not at the end of his terme accomplishe the Age of xxiij yeres.
Thence to Westminster Hall, and there met with diverse people, it being terme time.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "terme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.