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Example sentences for "tenantry"

Lexicographically close words:
tenancy; tenant; tenanted; tenanting; tenantless; tenants; tenas; tenauntes; tenaunts; tenax
  1. Seldom has Scottish landlord evinced greater consideration for his tenantry and domestics.

  2. If this conjecture is well founded, it is interesting to remark that Boswell especially provides that his own tenantry should in the matter of rent be treated with leniency.

  3. A zealous promoter of agriculture, he was much beloved by his tenantry and neighbours.

  4. I had no news of your ladyship's coming or I would have been here in time to say welcome home on behalf of your ladyship's tenantry and myself.

  5. Then the tenantry mounted on horseback again, or stayed and refreshed themselves at the Crawley Arms.

  6. The agent remained, and a few of the tenantry who had business with him.

  7. The assize town was crowded, on the day the trial was expected to come on, by the tenantry of the late baronet and their families, with whom the present landlord was by no means popular.

  8. The summonses referred to in the last chapter had been very widely distributed among all those of the tenantry of Trevethian, who had been cotemporaries of poor Margaret Basset.

  9. And with a different interest she heard of the state of feeling manifested pretty openly by the tenantry of Trevethlan, and desired her protege to come to Pendarrel as soon as he should be released from attendance on Mr. Truby.

  10. Surely, if all the misery of the Irish tenantry were fairly to be attributed to the Protestant church and Protestant landlords, no portion of it could be found on those estates owned and held by Roman Catholics.

  11. Shortly afterwards made their appearance amid great uproar, several of the tenantry of Mr. Titmouse--all of them looking as if they had come up, poor souls!

  12. Thus the great bulk of the tenantry of Ireland was freed from its dependence on the will of the chief in capite, and now set him at naught.

  13. Certainly; they are amongst the most comfortable tenantry in Ireland.

  14. It is further proved, and every man who has any knowledge of Ireland knows the fact, that the most comfortable and improving tenantry hold at will.

  15. Amongst them was one statement furnished by Mr Fitzgerald, the agent of Mr Vandeleur, of the condition of the tenantry on a large farm of that gentleman's estate which had lately fallen out of lease.

  16. I would not like to employ as strong language in speaking of the wrongs of the tenantry as this gentleman used to me.

  17. If racking the tenantry is the condition on which he gets this lovely home, it is a temptation certainly.

  18. The idea is brought forward to me again and again that the best landlord clings to the power to oppress, absolute unquestioned power to do as he likes with his tenantry though he might never exercise it.

  19. His Grace did not like tenantry so near his residence.

  20. He sauntered into a shop, also the post-office of the town, and in the course of conversation informed them that his tenantry were a lazy lot of blackguards.

  21. The hard feeling between the exterminating Marquis, the agent who executed his will and the tenantry was intense.

  22. The freeholders alone have access to the courts, but in practice the entire body of the tenantry is equally concerned.

  23. It sometimes happens, that the lord and the homage enter into agreement as to the bigger trees, and for every trunk taken by the lord the tenantry are entitled to take its equivalent[569].

  24. Actions on statutes could not be pleaded in ancient demesne because, it was explained, the tenantry not being represented in parliament, were no parties in framing the statute; Viner, Abr.

  25. The medieval system, in so far as it rested on the distribution of holdings, was in many respects more advantageous to the tenantry than to the lord.

  26. A new division became necessary, and it took place under circumstances of great solemnity, as a result of an agreement effected at a great meeting of the tenantry before both lords.

  27. In Lyndon the division of the tenantry is somewhat more complex [f.

  28. The influence of commutation makes itself felt in the growth of a number of social groups which arrange themselves between the free and the servile tenantry without fitting exactly into either class.

  29. It looks as if they represented that class of the tenantry which in the Register is described as servi vel nativi.

  30. An interesting attempt at an accurate classification of this and other kinds of tenantry is displayed by an inquisition of 19 Edward I preserved at the Record Office.

  31. Several instances had occurred in which the tenantry had broken loose from their landlords, and at Waterford, among other places, they had proved themselves too strong even for the great Beresford interest.

  32. He made little treats and teas for him, as if he came in with his homage from some outlying district where the tenantry were in a primitive state.

  33. The list of toasts disposed of, Mr Dorrit urbanely went through the motions of playing a game of skittles with the Collegian who was the next oldest inhabitant to himself; and left the tenantry to their diversions.

  34. The tenantry formed two considerable congregations, and lived and worshipped side by side, with the most perfect harmony—an instance of real Christianity, in my opinion, which the angels of heaven might come down to see.

  35. The little chapel presented an exceedingly pretty sight; but it was so full that very few of the tenantry could be admitted.

  36. The young duke took his recovered bride over to England, then on to Scotland, and finally to their beautiful home, Lone Castle, where the young couple were received by their tenantry with great rejoicings.

  37. During the progress of the work, the ducal family never came to Lone, so that the tenantry there were never set right as to the identity of John Scott.

  38. The streets of the hamlet, the bridge and the island was each alive with a merry crowd of tenantry and peasantry in their picturesque holiday suits, coming to see the wedding pageant.

  39. The hated, petty upstart who had ground down the Abbot's Manor tenantry to the very last penny that could be wrested from them!

  40. I've made up my mind to live here at Abbot's Manor and do all I can for the tenantry and the village generally--I'm sure I shall be perfectly happy.

  41. All of his own passion and purpose had been swept away, leaving his mind to the tenantry of the sweetest content he had ever known.

  42. He enlarged and embellished Rhacotis, which lay to the west of the new city and left it to the tenantry of the Egyptians, poor remnants of that haughty race which had been aristocrats of the world before Troy.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tenantry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    claim; colony; feud; freehold; hold; holding; lease; leasehold; mandate; occupancy; occupation; preoccupation; prepossession; prescription; property; squatting; tenancy; tenure; title; villenage