I am afraid that he will be killed," said Jeanne tearfully to Bob.
I will see you again," said Jeanne tearfully as she told Bob good-bye.
The eyes of the young woman glanced hurriedly over the faces of her neighbors, and fixed tearfully upon that of her lover.
And again she became frightened at the bare idea, and tearfully refused her consent.
As he gave it up, he looked lovingly at it, and tearfully asked the Jew if he might play one more tune upon it.
I saw her tearfully talking to Miss Johnston one evening as the dismissed school was leaving the room, and when I reached home I told Mother what I had heard and seen.
The library was scarce finished, when I had to leave it; the farm life was just as happy and desirable, when I tearfullybade it good-bye forever.
I never owned one until a tramp cat came to our house one day during the present autumn, and tearfully asked to be loved.
Big Mouth tearfully told the wild epicure of the way he had been treated, and asked for a council of war.
The next morning, when the train for the East pulled out of Illinoistown, Miss Jinny Carvel stood on the plat form tearfully waving good-by to a knot of friends.
Mr. Watling climbs up on the platform and shakes his fist in General Doby's face, and General Doby tearfullyappeals for an honest ballot--to the winds.
He did not drag little boys by the ears until they cried, nor make them tearfully fetch and carry for him.
At the end of a tearfully eloquent speech the question was put fairly to a vote, and the children in a burst of virtuous abandon carried the question for Charleston.
A moment later Catherine called me aside and tearfully begged permission to accompany husband and brother as far as Paris.
And he was rather relieved than otherwise when Joanna entreated tearfully to accompany them.
Joanna looked at him a little tearfully when he showed her the receipted bills.
Someone had sent for Mrs. Hay, who was silently, tearfully chafing the limp and almost lifeless hands of a girl in Indian garb.
Schmidt, the soldier sentry in front of Moreau's door, a simple-hearted Teuton of irreproachable character, tearfully protested against his incarceration.
The bereaved widow bent down, and, raising the lid, shook her head tearfully as she regarded the contents.
Mr. Hutchins declined the invitation, but from behind the door pleaded tearfully with the mate to lead a better life, and even rebuked the skipper for allowing the bottle of sin to be produced in the cabin.
Bensef sighed at the recollection of the sad parting and tearfully related the events of that memorable night.
Fearfully and tearfullythey make the sorrowful avowal: "We have sinned!
When Nietzsche tearfully interposed, Wagner told him to go and get married--marry the first woman who was fool enough to have him--she would relieve him of some of his silliness.
But he held forth his firm strong hand, and the old man bowed tearfully over it.
Wherefor' upon the belov'd sea-shore thine empty sepulchral Mound I erected, aloud on thy ghost tearfully calling.
She has been hanging over you tearfully all day; never going near Miss Evelyn at all.
But Aunt Agatha had talked long and tearfullyto Johnny.
Aunt Agatha, making a desperate pretense of sorting the lilies, was plainly in a flutter and willing to be tearfully repentent over their intrusion.
She was in anguish at the sight, and as her parents-in-law were near, she tearfully showed it to them.
And when the servants asked what the matter was, she tearfully showed her hands with bruises on them, like two lilies with black bees clinging to them.
Blanche at last, lifting up her face and looking tearfully into those dim eyes as though they could see all that she wished them.
Esther's eyes aretearfully luminous; Charles looks proudly expectant; over Sir Donald's fascinating features settles a gravely wistful smile.
Thou art not fit to go," said his mother tearfully one morning after the boy had been kept awake all night by cough and fever.
She was a very dark, pious woman, tearfullyuncertain of all things save that she, being a widow, must be supported by charity; by the offertory for preference.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tearfully" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.