Valgus or varus are associated with it; the more common form is talipes calcaneo-valgus.
The principal symptoms described by Lucas are scoliosis, talipes valgus, and genu valgum.
Note: Several varieties are distinguished; as, Talipes varus, in which the foot is drawn up and bent inward; T.
Talipes valgus is very rare as a congenital defect, but is common enough as a result of infantile paralysis and as such is apt to be combined with the calcanean variety.
In talipes calcaneus the toes are pointed upwards and the foot rests on the heel.
Talipes equinus is that form in which the heel does not touch the ground, the child resting on the toes.
In talipes varus the foot is turned inwards and shortened, the inner edge of the foot is raised, and the child walks on the outer edge.
These two conditions are often combined, the heel being drawn up and the foot twisted inward; the name given to the twofold deformity is talipes equino-varus.
Flat-foot" is sometimes spoken of as spurious talipes valgus; it is due to the bony arches of the foot being called upon to support a weight beyond their power.
Danyau, Proudfoot, and Smith mention intrauterine fracture of the tibia; in Proudfoot's case there was congenital talipes talus.
Braid describes talipes varus in a child of a few months who had ten toes.
The anterior foot presented a great toe and four smaller ones, but deformed like an example of talipes equinovarus.
The spastic form oftalipes equino-varus is comparatively rare.
These do not often require division, cases of talipes valgus being usually paralytic in character.
While in talipes equinis it is generally the only disturbing agent, in talipes varus and valgus it invariably increases and maintains the deformity, which the tibiales or peronei seem to originate.
His reading told him that whatever might have been done when he was a small boy, and then treatment of talipes was not as skilful as in the present day, there was small chance now of any great benefit.
Jacobs accepted with pleasure, since he was interested just then in neglected talipes and was getting together materials for a paper.
He had read everything in the library which treated of talipes in its various forms.