D'ye think snod Mistress Ratcliffe came an' swopped herseln just out o' love for Mistress Nell?
One man swopped two hosses fur one; this struck me as a devilish good thing, but everyboddy else said it waz soft.
The English are better punsters, but i konsider punning a sort ov literary prostitushun in which futur happynesz iz swopped oph for the plezzure ov the moment.
Then he went on a good bit till he met a man who had a sheep, and he swopped with him too, for he thought it always better to have a sheep than a goat.
After that he went a little farther, and a man met him with a goat; so he thought it better to have a goat than a pig, and he swopped with the man that owned the goat.
Gudbrand, 'but I haven't the goose either; for when I had gone a bit farther I swopped it away for a cock.
When I got to the town there was no one who would buy the cow, so you must know I swopped it away for a horse.
But when he had gone a bit of the way, a man met him who had a horse to sell, so Gudbrand thought 'twas better to have a horse than a cow, so he swopped with the man.
A little farther on he met a man walking along and driving a fat pig before him, and he thought it better to have a fat pig than a horse, so he swopped with the man.
Gudbrand, 'but you see I've not got the horse after all; for when I got a bit farther on the road, I swoppedit away for a pig.
If I hadn't been drunk and mad, I shouldn't have gone and swopped away my spae-maiden for it.
Ricolleck the hoss the preacherswopped to Dave Somers?
Had a five year old that I raised myse'f, a little under size but as tough as dried beef; so I swopped for a mighty likely nag.
An' come right from yo' daughter's weddin' an' swopped hosses with a preacher.
We know not the day nor the hour when the healthiest hoss may be called, as it were; and I could not of course foresee the death of the hoss I swoppedto Dave.
I hearn that you swopped tuther day with Dave Somer's an' the hoss died durin' of the night," said Jasper.
It iz a sad sight to see a whole life being swopped off for the glory of telling what good people don't love to hear, and what viscious ones only value for the malice it contains.
So if your honour is pleasing, I'll tell you the whole truth about the horse that he swopped against my mare out of the face.
But I swopped the marble on Monday with Higginbotham Minor for two green commonys: at least I said it was the marble; only really I dropped it while we were waiting for the bus.
I swopped four blood-allys for an Indian in the break," Bertram announced.
Quentin Bauchart had a copy only 127 millimetres in height, which he swopped to M.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "swopped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.