The reactors wouldn't react, the converters wouldn't convert, and no matter how manyswitches they shoved in, there was no power output.
The switches and buttons were all marked for machine-control in different steps of power-unit production.
A yardman said later that as the train burst through the switches each car seemed to carry beneath it a huge ball of fire, caused by the wheels being dead-locked by the automatic brakes.
There were two switches to unset, and then right again before they left the main line.
I observed that our switches moved at the same moment, mine turning down, his sidewise; but in every case we agreed, and thus traced a number of streams.
I went with him to his bank, where we threw down a rod of iron on the floor, and with our switches found the movement to be the same at every trial.
The coil which you wound at the beginning of your experiment had only 75 turns and was tapped so that you could, by manipulating the two switches of Fig.
Suppose, for example, you connect the switches as shown in Fig.
The tuning is varied, while you listen, by moving the slider of the slide-wire tuner or by moving the switches if you have connected your coil for that method.
As soon as you can identify any station which you hear sending make a note of the position of the switches s{1} and s{2}, and of the setting of the condenser in the secondary circuit.
In Table III is given the values of the inductance which is controlled by the switches of that figure, the corresponding number of turns, and the wave-length to which the antenna should then be tuned.
Illustration: Fig 114] To study the effect of the grid condenser you can arrange switchesso as to insert this condenser and its leak and at the same time to cut out the C-battery.
This circuit also shows how you can connect the switches so as to see how much the audion is amplifying.
You can see from the same figure how you can arrange the switches so as to find whether or not you are getting any gain from the amplifier.
Make contacts to the taps by two rotary switches as shown in Fig.
There is a place forswitches in our Sunday-school lesson.
There's a firing switch on each of their ships, and both switches have to be tripped before the thing goes off.
I made half a dozen portal switches when I was taking Kinmarten to the suite.
The signal house up high was alight and the green and yellow and white signal lamps at the switches shone bright as stars.
Behind him the switches snapped; another train, this time a fast express, rushed past him.
Grapplers were thrown out to bind the emissary ship to the Lancet's hull, and Jack threw the switches to open the entrance lock and decontamination chambers.
In the control room they threw the switches that activated a powerful protective energy screen around the ship.
But when Jack threw the switches to start the engines, nothing happened at all.
Both switches are now raised, consequently the electric currents will support each other, so that a staff may be withdrawn.
He take two beech switches and twist them together and whip 'em to a stub.
Leon cut long switches to herd them with, and both of us waded and tried to drive them, but they would dart under embankments and roots, and dive and hide.
Leon left me on the gate with both switches to keep them from going back and he ran to call Mrs. Deam.
Planed switch tongues are also used, having the shape of those employed on the normal tracks, especially for the passage of small engines; the switches are, in this case, completed by the application of a hand lever.
At the distributing boxes are collected the cut-outs and switches controlling the various circuits.
Jones stood in an odd sort of harness beside a set of control-switches that did not match the smoothly designed other controls of the ship.
It showed the interior of the ship's control-rooms, with occasional brief switches to authoritative persons on Earth for comment on what was relayed from the far-off skies.
Switches were brought in bundles, from a beech wood near the school house, by the boys for whose benefit they were intended.
Later, swinging a lantern in his own dark shippon, Simon had thought of those switches with envious longing.
By using switches and giving a prearranged signal to the Exchange Bank, both of us could throw a switch which would put the telephones in circuit and we could talk together.
The switches D and F are main switches controlling colored lamps.
The handles of all switches in a row should be of the same height so that the operator may more readily accustom himself to catch them quickly.
With motors of one-fourth horse power or less, on circuits where the voltage does not exceed 300, single-pole switches may be used.
All of the lights in the auditorium are controlled by switches shown in the upper right-hand corner and all of these are under the control of the main switch.
The switches A and B do not control the lights at all if the smaller throw-over switches at the right are thrown downward.
The object of the switches A and B is to help in quickly increasing or decreasing the illumination on the stage.
Three-way switches are useful on stairways, enabling one to turn on a light at the bottom of the stairway and turn it off when at the top or vice versa.
The usual height at which scattered switches are located is about four and one-half feet above floor.
If a shallow box is used, it will be necessary to place the switches in a separate compartment from the fuses, so that the latter may be always enclosed, even while the dimmers and fuses are being operated.
In the drawing, for instance, only one light is shown with the switch closed, the other three switches being open.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "switches" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.