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Example sentences for "sustain them"

  • It has not set itself above antiquity and authority, but merely endeavored to sustain them, without the encumbrances of more modern abuses.

  • It is true, out of all question, and not only do the tenants wish to enact this treachery, but they have found others, that call themselves legislators, who are willing to sustain them in the fraud.

  • The grenadiers and light infantry being detached to sustain them, continued to advance, notwithstanding the fire from the woods; until, from a rising ground, they discovered a body of the enemy.

  • In vain the second line was brought up to sustain them; the horse turned their backs, and the infantry was totally routed.

  • The effect of the order went directly to sustain them.

  • He was obliged to repudiate these inferences as unjust, for he had seen no proof to sustain them in any of the petitions that had come here.

  • The voice which calls upon us to sustain them is the voice of God.

  • He calls upon us to sustain them by the solemn and considerate use of all the powers with which He has invested us.

  • Their first care had been to fly into the wilderness, without thinking upon the necessities they might encounter there--without reflecting that they had made no provision of food to sustain them.

  • Indeed, many individuals of them perish with hunger as it is; and the life of all these Indians is nothing more than one continued struggle for food enough to sustain them.

  • Persons in their situation require a great deal of meat to sustain them, much more than those who live in great cities, who eat a variety of substances, and drink many kinds of drinks.

  • Long exposure to cold storms, with such food to sustain them, will rapidly reduce the condition of these animals.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sustain them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bring himself; but from; cubic yards; deeply forked; deer skin; divine mission; fellow creature; financial services; fish products; had now; heaven from; levy taxes; limited time; phosphate mining; plane geometry; previous experience; remain silent; sifted sugar; still looking; sustain life; sustain them; took orders; would only