Also supervisesunmarried mothers and is planning convalescent home for them at Ivy Hill.
She supervises cloak-rooms and selects the staff of attendants necessary for these.
The work of this committee is twofold: it aids the factory management to open its own canteen or canteens, and it supervises and helps approved dining-rooms managed by voluntary bodies.
She supervises the keeping of all records of accidents and illness in the ambulance room, and of all maternity cases noted in the factory.
It supervises the execution of policies decided upon by the Standing Presidium.
The UTC also guides and supervises the activities of the Union of Student Associations.
In Bucharest a city party committee supervises the activities of the communal and enterprise cells.
Judge Gose makes his home in Pomeroy, where he occupies an attractive residence, and in addition he owns and supervises a large ranch, taking considerable interest and pride in his agricultural labors.
He supervises the operation of the place but leaves the greater part of the actual work of its cultivation to others.
From this point he directs and supervises his business interests and at the same time he has the enjoyment of city life.
He supervises the railway mail, air mail, foreign mail services, and adjusts the pay for carrying the mail.
The Federal Reserve Board supervises the affairs of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks, and indirectly exercises a certain amount of control over the banking system of the country.
He maintains three airplanes in a hangar on his farm and supervises his holdings by air.
The Bundesrath takes action on the measures to be proposed to the Reichstag and the resolutions passed by that body; it also supervises the execution of laws, and may point out any defects in the laws or in their execution.
The Chancellor of the Empire presides in the Federal Council and supervises the conduct of its business.
When this method is used the purchaser is required to clear a fire line around the area to be burned and to furnish adequate help to the Forest officer whosupervises the burning.
A Forest Supervisor is in charge of each National Forest and he plans the work of the Forest and supervises its execution.
The Branch of Silviculture supervises the sale and cutting of timber on the National Forests and cooperates with States in protecting forest lands under Section 2 of the Weeks Law.
The Branch of Grazing supervises the grazing of live stock upon the National Forests, allotting grazing privileges and dividing the ranges between different owners and classes of stock.
There's a slight strain on the one who supervises their table manners.
This person is responsible for the system and he supervises the keeping of records and the preparation of statements.
The Congested Districts Board finds the market and supervises the sale of the fish.
He supervises this officer in preparing the programme of work done in the dockyards, the provision of the material required and its appropriation to particular work in accordance with the programme.
It supervises the salmon fisheries of Alaska and the fur seal industry on the Pribilof Islands of the Bering Sea.
The Chief of Ordnance supervisesthe purchase, manufacture, and distribution of artillery, small arms, and ammunition for the army and the militia.
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue supervises the collection of the federal income tax and of the taxes on the manufacture of tobacco, etc.
It supervises the manufacture of guns and torpedoes, installs armament on the vessels, and has charge of the naval proving ground and magazines, the naval gun factory, and the torpedo station.
He also supervises the training of the army in the use of both.
The extent to which a Prime Minister actually supervisesand controls the several departments must, of course, vary in different cabinets.
It prepares the budget, reviewing the estimates submitted to it, and devising the means of defraying them; itsupervises the collection of the revenue, and keeps watch over the expenditure.
In our naval service, the higher commanders are provided, where appropriate, with a chief of staff, who coordinates and supervises the work of the entire staff.
The Ministry of National Education supervisesthese education sections and assists them when necessary.
The instructors of party education are trained at the Institute for Political Instruction of the Central Committee of the BKP, which in turn supervises the work of the Central Leninist Party School.
It arranges for the publication of all school textbooks and supervises the work of the people's councils at the local level.
The state not only is in charge of the publishing houses themselves but also supervises the distribution of books throughout the country.
The Japanese military, through protected corporations, supervises the operation of the railroads and airlines, but it does not even rely on the corporations to provide military transport, which is under direct army control.
He supervises all estimates of appropriations for the expenses of the department.
The Commissioner of Pensions supervises the examination and adjustment of all claims arising under the laws of Congress granting bounty land or pensions on account of services in the army or navy during the time of war.
The Commissioner of the General Land Office has charge of all the public lands of the government, and supervises the surveys, sales, and issuing of titles to this property.
He supervises the work of all the United States district attorneys and marshals, and is assisted by the Solicitor-General.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "supervises" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.