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Example sentences for "sundries"

Lexicographically close words:
sundials; sundown; sundowner; sundrie; sundried; sundry; sundrye; sune; suner; sunfish
  1. Sundries 67-1/2 " The birds were healthy in a way when we left, but did not look well in plumage.

  2. Sundries 24 " My chums were pretty miserable, and so was I.

  3. Then he set about gathering up the sundries he had dropped.

  4. The smaller ranchers are as a rule adept at it, and when it is necessary, as it sometimes is, will cheerfully walk over a mountain range with a big sack of flour or other sundries bound upon their shoulders.

  5. Nevertheless, it struck me that I might find too much culture irksome, especially if it implied that I must carry half my household sundries upon my back whenever I started on an expedition.

  6. There are a few sundries which should not be overlooked when collecting curious things reminiscent of home-life as it once was.

  7. Some of the toilet sundries took the form of scent bottles, others etui cases and boxes for toilet requisites, including manicure sets.

  8. I've been head of the sundries department for seven years now, and I could hardly have more authority in that department unless I was a member of the firm itself.

  9. From New Years on he is going to put me in entire charge of the sundries dept.

  10. The sundries columns are provided for all entries for which there are no special columns and are used principally for transactions affecting general ledger accounts.

  11. The sundries column is for receipts other than remittances with account sales—as payments by agents who have not remitted with account sales.

  12. There should also be a sundries sales and purchase sheet for recording orders upon other commodities than grain or stock.

  13. The reason seems to have been that dry-goods and sundries required much more cargo space for the same value than did rum.

  14. Worthy Park bought nearly all of its hardware, dry goods, drugs and sundries in London, and its herrings for the negroes and salt pork and beef for the white staff in Cork.

  15. She tried to tell herself that five pounds would refit her, but she knew in her heart that ten or twelve would hardly be too much; artists' colourmen have their sundries too.

  16. And tablecloths and blankets and sheets and pillow-cases seemed to be very considerable sundries indeed.

  17. Smokers' sundries include many objects in brass, especially boxes for storing tobacco.

  18. His retinue was so small as to be utterly ridiculous, for it consisted of one exiled archbishop, fifteen knights, and a small lot of servants, who may be put down as sundries in the little catalogue.

  19. The babies are searched before they come to school, and all toys, bits of string, old tins, and sundries are removed from their persons.

  20. No, the sundries go in cabs, with the maids.

  21. A considerable proportion of the amount spent for sundries apparently goes to the support of the church.

  22. Since expenditures for sundries vary widely as between different families, the total allowed may be spent in a large variety of ways.

  23. It is practically impossible to estimate the amount spent for each separate item in the sundries group, but in Table 4 is given an approximation of expenses in this division of the budget.

  24. Will leave the cart and many sundries here.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sundries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    assortment; conglomerate; conglomeration; cosmetics; medley; miscellany; mixture; sundries; truck; variety