I do know it," she said, with an arch smile, which played like a sunbeam round her rosy lips.
Love is a divinesunbeam that illumines the darkest nights.
While they passed through a sunbeam they were seen, Not otherwhere, but they were present yet In shade.
The child is like a sunbeamin the house; so merry, so bright!
This was the annihilation of his existence; the last sunbeam upon his path faded; all around and within him was dark and cold.
Never a sunbeam to call forth a rainbow against the dark sky, never a gleam of light in the dull slaty gray.
A sunbeam slips through the window-shade into the half-light of the room and gleams upon the buhl furniture.
Every sunbeam that shot in served to show its desolation.
Then there was the young American stepping forward through a narrow sunbeam into the brown shade to meet him, with such a shamefaced, boyish air of conscious delinquency.
November's hail-cloud drifts away, November's sunbeam wan Looks coldly on the castle grey, When forth comes Lady Anne.
Hilda the Sunbeamwas not despised because she climbed the mountainside to fetch milk and butter for the family.
It was as if his faded figure had been colored over anew, or at least, as he and Pansie moved along the street, as if a sunbeam had fallen across him, instead of the gray gloom of an instant before.
Then a simple joy broke over his face--a flickering sunbeam among his wrinkles--as he heard the laughter of the little girl, who was running rampant with a kitten in the kitchen.
His hand met hers where it fluttered like a dove between them; his slow, translating smile woke in his eyes and spread like a sunbeam over his stern lips.
Above the trouble of that morning, and of the future which was charged with it to the blackness of complete obscuration, her warrant of affection was like a lifting sunbeam of hope.
Evelyn, with a sharp catch of her breath, withdrew her attention from the other occupant of the room, and fixed it upon a moted sunbeam lying like a bar between the two.
A drowsy warmth was in the air; the birds sang far away; through a rift in the foliage a sunbeam came and rested beside her like A gilded snake.
The sunbeam danced a little, just a little, but enough to awake in those small sandalled feet an irresistible desire to run and play.
Grandfather, while his eyes followed the play of a sunbeam in the waves.
Her blue ribbon could hardly keep the plait together, and the dry, curly mass emitted hundreds of sparks as soon as a sunbeam fell on it.
Thou wouldst know who is in this light, which beside me here so sparkles, as a sunbeam on clear water.
That will enable you to obtain to a fuller extent the benefit of the sunbeam which is falling--quite by accident, of course--upon your hair.
On this Margaret seated herself; and then pensively moved to the other end of the bench, because a slanting sunbeam fell there.
As he opened the humble book, a sunbeam shot through the loop-hole, and broke in a shower of light over the page.
For an instant longer he remained near the bookcase, reading the note by a golden sunbeam that came to him from the middle window.
And although she could not smile, it filled her with sweet emotion to see the beautiful child, so plump and rosy, with his mouth still wet with milk, whose gaze had been arrested by the sunbeam full of dancing motes.
The sky and the land, though different from those she best loved, were yet but another expression of nature's face; it was the same face still; and on many a sunbeam Ellen travelled across the Atlantic.
In one of these fits of bitter struggling with pain, there came on her mind, like a sunbeam across a cloud, the thought of Jesus weeping at the grave of Lazarus.
Alice said he had come like a sunbeaminto the house; she dreaded to think what would be when he went away.
In a few moments the whole pillar of water took the same oblique direction, until it slanted straight as a sunbeam shooting forth from heaven.
But, remember, you must not be a sunbeam any more.
It was, very appropriately, at Thanksgiving-time that Ivan's mission as an active sunbeam ended.
The reply of the sunbeam was convincing in its simple truth.
Yes, yes-- think how far the sunbeam has to travel!
It was very good to be loved, to have a home, and not to be a little sunbeam any longer.
But the mission of Ivan as a busy and strenuous sunbeam was regularly and consistently carried out--all the children saw to that.
Daily the stifled howls of Augustus Adolphus continued to rend the ambient air when the sunbeam fell on him; but he forbore to complain, suffering heroically this unpleasant feature of the programme, that the rest might not be curtailed.
As when a bright sunbeam turns a dark cloud to silver, so Chloe's dark face brightened immediately,--it really shone.
Thy spirit shine As shines the sunbeam in a drop of dew.
Then, in answer to the king, Fell a sunbeam on his ring, Showing by a heavenly ray: "Even this shall pass away.
It has no independent existence, any more than a sunbeam could have, severed from the sun.
If you were, that sunbeam we see now should make you careful, lest an angel should be in it!
It is her business to smile, and shine like a sunbeam on a spring morning for his delectation always.
She resolved to bring the power of her sunbeam to bear, and, going round, seated herself on the sofa close by him, and laid her hand on his arm.
You are the veriest sunbeam that ever came into a house," said her aunt, kissing her.
As some lone bird at day's departing hour Sings in the sunbeam of the transient shower, Forgetful though its wings are wet the while.
In the hearts of the many there sheltered and fed, As unto a hospice by Providence led, Does often a thought like a sunbeam intrude Of the bounty so free, and the donors so good?
He lay in a very disconsolate mood, regretting the downfall of his hopes and kept growing sadder and sadder, until the earliest sunbeam shone through the window, and gilded the ceiling over his head.
And though he pretended to dislike the sunshine of the upper world, yet the effect of the child's presence, bedimmed as she was by her tears, was as if a faint and watery sunbeam had somehow or other found its way into the enchanted hall.
He valued the sunbeam for no other reason but that his treasure would not shine without its help.
On opening them again, he beheld only one yellow sunbeam in the room, and, all around him, the glistening of the precious metal which he had spent his life in hoarding up.
It seemed to Midas that this bright yellow sunbeam was reflected in rather a singular way on the white covering of the bed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sunbeam" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.