The proceedings were conducted gravely according to prescribed forms, which were digested into a system of peculiar subtilty and minuteness,--as War in our day is according to an established code, the Laws of War.
In the progress of Christian civilization, many of the rules now sustained by learned subtilty or unquestioning submission, shaping the public concerns of nations, will pass away.
I looked long at her in silence; her slim beauty, the answerless riddle of her eyes, the age-long subtilty of her mouth, and gave no more thought to all life else.
To affect nicety or subtilty in thought or language.
Subtilty of contrivance to gain a point; artifice; stratagem.
The Athenians sent him with Critolaus and Diogenes as ambassador to Rome, where he attracted the attention of his new auditory by the subtilty of his reasoning, and the fluency and vehemence of his language.
Axioms determined upon in argument can never assist in the discovery of new effects; for the subtilty of nature is vastly superior to that of argument.
The subtilty of nature is far beyond that of sense or of the understanding: so that the specious meditations, speculations, and theories of mankind are but a kind of insanity, only there is no one to stand by and observe it.
Hence, as Bacon says further on, men being easily led to confound legitimate inference with truth, were confirmed in their errors by the very subtilty of their genius.
The syllogism is not applied to the principles of the sciences, and is of no avail in intermediate axioms,[5] as being very unequal to the subtilty of nature.
Himself a strange compound of intellectual subtiltyand broad simplicity of character, he had taken Audrey's utterances in good faith.
To the boy, with his senses sharpened to an almost feverish subtilty by the incessant stimulus of his imagination, Audrey was the epitome of everything most completely and joyously alive.
But above all, the Saracens of Arabaia and Spain wrote with incredible subtilty on his principles.
The nurse is one of the characters in which the author delighted; he has, with great subtilty of distinction, drawn her at once loquacious and secret, obsequious and insolent, trusty and dishonest.
The malignant craft andsubtilty displayed in Satan's counsel, are described in a manner far beyond an ordinary imagination.
His subtilty told him that the women was the weaker vessel.
There is a heavenly subtilty to be managed in this matter.
Here they are to encounter with the serpent, who for hissubtilty outwitted our father and mother, when their wisdom was at highest (Gen 3).
I will no longer abide: For you both, shortly, I will provide That all your false craft shall be outtried, And your subtilty known.
No artist is disposed to apologise for the presence of subtilty in Art, nor I for the subtle device of Bacon's garden.
Moderns are pleased to smile at what they deem the over-subtilty of Bacon's ideal garden.
Now in this latter attempt, the subtilty of his circumvention, hath indirectly obtained the former.
Covert schism, and open nonconformity, would survive after alterations, however promising in the eyes of those whose subtilty had been exercised in making them.
Well, your majesty, you must meet subtilty with subtilty.
Wrapped in its wordy envelope, the notion as formulated by Spencer needs nosubtilty of apprehension, but only a dictionary.
How studiously would the scientists explain the effects of sight as produced by subtilty of hearing; and those of hearing as due to abnormal sensitiveness in some other respect!
The wicked subtilty of casuists has established breach of faith with those who differ from us as a duty in opposition to faith, and murder itself has been made one of the means of salvation.