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Example sentences for "subordinated"

Lexicographically close words:
subocular; suborbital; suborder; suborders; subordinate; subordinately; subordinates; subordinating; subordination; suborn
  1. He has entirely subordinated his own particular views to the exigencies of the defence of the capital; and it is owing to his good sense that the ultras have not indulged in any revolutionary excesses.

  2. The mania was harmless as long as its exhibition was confined to a game in which a few francs were to be won or lost, but it becomes most serious in its consequences when the destinies of a country are subordinated to it.

  3. But under better conditions, her dancing need not have been subordinated to another art.

  4. The arms were equally subordinated to the drapery; their movements, as interpretation or decoration, meant nothing.

  5. Everything is subordinated to us, fashioned for our use and our pleasure.

  6. Industrial technique with its restless improvements has always been subordinated to this postulate.

  7. The physicians at first made use only of results which had been secured under entirely different points of view, but later the experiments were subordinated to the special medical problems.

  8. All our studies so far were in this sense subordinated to the one task which ought to be the primary one in the economic world, and yet which has been most ignored.

  9. The first is beautiful because the parts are subordinated to the whole; the second is beautiful because the whole is subordinated to the parts.

  10. The study figure is ingenious, but subordinated to the theme.

  11. He started with an idea in his head, and used his material with meaning, and so his inlay is as fanciful as the seaweed, and yet entirely subordinated to the harmony of the whole design.

  12. Colour was essential to their work, and they loved it, and understood it, but always subordinated it to form.

  13. It is this union of the arts, mutually helpful and harmoniously subordinated one to another, which I have learned to think of as Architecture, and when I use the word to-night, that is what I shall mean by it and nothing narrower.

  14. And even if aesthetic ideality is present in a work of art, it must be subordinated to ethic ideality, to the moral purity in the artist's mind, a purity diffused throughout the whole.

  15. The sensuous must, however, be always subordinated to the intellectual, for this is involved in the demand for ideality, in other words, for that impress of perfection given by the idea and the mind in every artistic representation.

  16. Lower powers reach their highest development only in proportion as they are strictly subordinated to higher.

  17. The vertebrate is like an old Roman; everything is subordinated to mental and physical power.

  18. Matter is everywhere subordinated to expression; the writer's interest in actuality is slight; the power or the inclination to think is inferior to the faculty for harmonious construction.

  19. The principle of sufficient reason is the universal form of all phenomena, and man in his action must be subordinated to it like every other phenomenon.

  20. The concept of will has hitherto commonly been subordinated to that of force, but I reverse the matter entirely, and desire that every force in nature should be thought as will.

  21. Only their particular manifestations are subordinated to the principle of sufficient reason, like the particular actions of men.

  22. These are generally subordinated to other useful ends which are foreign to art itself.

  23. In mathematics, according to Euclid's treatment, the axioms alone are indemonstrable first principles, and all demonstrations are in gradation strictly subordinated to them.

  24. Or, in other words, the minor term and also the middle can always be subordinated to different concepts, from which we may choose at will the major and the middle, and the nature of the conclusion depends on this choice.

  25. But the why is here subordinated to the what, for it already belongs to the world, as it arises and has meaning and validity only through the form of its phenomena, the principle of sufficient reason.

  26. The Idea Subordinated To The Principle Of Sufficient Reason: The Object Of Experience And Science.

  27. In each of these segments we have a certain group of organs reproduced in the same arrangement, so that we may regard each segment as an individual unity, or a special "individual" subordinated to the entire personality.

  28. All else on his canvas is subordinated to the grim image of the colossal Puritan.

  29. He hated the French domination to which his brother had submitted; yet his pride as sovereign was subordinated to his allegiance to Rome and a superstitious veneration for the wily priests with which Louis XIV.

  30. In his case, the sanctity of an austere life, and the eloquence of an authoritative preacher of repentance, had been strictly subordinated to political aims in the interests of republican liberty.

  31. All considerations of religion and morality were subordinated by him with strict impartiality to policy: and his policy he restrained to two objects--the advancement of his family, and the consolidation of the temporal power.

  32. Many of the greatest novelists of the present half-century have deliberately subordinated events to the study of character.

  33. The thing to be sought is not accuracy of statement, but accuracy of perception, and the means must be subordinated to the effect.

  34. The doctrinal element does not intrude itself, however; it is not on the surface, it is well subordinated to the artistic elements of the poem.

  35. It was one she never wholly outgrew, though in her novels her large information was usually so managed and subordinated as to give little annoyance to the intelligent reader.

  36. But, lately, the intellect has been so subordinated to the soul, that I am not free to enter the Basilikon, and plead and hear till I am called.

  37. That is the real life which is subordinated to, not merged in, the ideal; he is only wise who can bring the lowest act of his life into sympathy with its highest thought.

  38. He was Rab's successor in Sora, and the authority of this period, to whom, as already narrated, the Amoraim of Judaea voluntarily subordinated themselves.

  39. In his modesty he willingly subordinated himself to Rab.

  40. Synhedrion and priests readily subordinated themselves to him who represented the Law in his own person.

  41. The oldest Amoraim, Amemar and Mar-Zutra, voluntarily subordinated themselves to Ashi's authority, and resigned to him the task of restoring unity.

  42. But it does not afford the spectacle of violent controversies; for it already possessed a common and recognized formula, a settled standard, to which all authorities subordinated themselves.

  43. Ami and Assi only bore the modest title of "the Judges, or the respected descendants of Aaron in the Holy Land," and of their own accord subordinated themselves to the Babylonian authorities.

  44. The superiority of Babylon was so readily acknowledged that Ami and Assi, the leaders of Judaea, of their own accord subordinated themselves to Rab's successor.

  45. In this the entire edifice was subordinated to the treatment of the vault, which attained to a great height through the use of the true pointed arch and of transversals to receive the weight of the vault.

  46. State powers, using "State" in the American sense of a political community subordinated to some other power, and not in the sense of an independent nation.

  47. Murder, persecution, confiscation too truly describe its general strain; and policy is on the whole subordinated to violence as the standing instrument of government.

  48. Everything was subordinated to this Divine realisation and to his Divine purpose.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "subordinated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.