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Example sentences for "submarines"

Lexicographically close words:
sublunar; sublunary; submachine; submarginal; submarine; submaxillary; submerge; submerged; submergence; submerging
  1. Several cruisers have come in to-day, and there seem to be dozens of submarines and torpedo boats cruising around all day.

  2. The reason we did not go to Southampton is that five German submarines were waiting for us.

  3. But it did its work, capturing no less than seventeen German submarines in the first week.

  4. Two submarines had answered his signal, instead of one, and the last had crept up to attack him while he was sinking her consort.

  5. He must have known there were two submarines and expected the last to sink us.

  6. He also informed me that everything had been made fast, that the men were cheerful and that there were no German submarines in sight, and the storm continued with terrible violence all day.

  7. It looked as if the storm would get us if the submarines did not.

  8. As the summer wore on, and submarines sank many of our merchant vessels on the seas, the food question began to be an important problem at Brackenfield.

  9. As she watched the sea, she thought not so much of its natural history treasures as of submarines and floating mines, and her heart went out to Bevis, somewhere on deep waters keeping watchful guard against the enemy.

  10. Why, there haven't been any submarines for centuries.

  11. There haven't been any submarines in centuries.

  12. Even if submarines were built like that, you'd have no way of knowing.

  13. To keep them outside the enemy's observation, and to avoid any risk of mines or submarines in the Irish Channel, they have been sent far out round the west coast of Ireland.

  14. I was out on patrol duty," he explained, "spotting for submarines between the Straits and Zeebrugge.

  15. Logan' will drop out of line and hunt enemy submarines on commanding officer's judgment," Dave Darrin read.

  16. But it was definitely known that thirteen of the Kaiser's submarines had been sent to the bottom.

  17. If we meet a dozen of these Hun submarines to-day you'll find that they won't get any of our ships.

  18. How many submarines were probably engaged this morning?

  19. With all their submarines and all their bluster the Huns don't do enough damage to our troopships to make it worth all the bother they have to take.

  20. Submarines usually try for hits at from six hundred to a thousand yards," he explained to Dalzell, as the racing craft hurried on her way.

  21. Sometimes, sir, we talked about the fun that can be had on shore leave, but more often about submarines and the war, sir.

  22. We are nearing Fisherman's Shoal, which is believed to be a favorite bit of ground for submarines that hide on the bottom.

  23. Then you don't believe all the German submarines engaged are concentrated at one point, sir?

  24. With searchlights playing in every direction we'd pick up a lot of the submarines and hit them within the first minute and a half.

  25. Half a dozen periscopes showed short lengths, briefly, above the water, but the number of faint streaks across the sea showed that other enemy submarines were attacking without first taking periscope sights.

  26. Here the submarines were doing their best to "get" a transport.

  27. Of what use would submarines be to your people if you scorned taking cowardly advantage?

  28. And so, if hanging around there are any young fellows with a taste for adventure and a trend for naval warfare, these submarines look to be the thing.

  29. He described it perfectly as I had noticed it in trial trips of submarines off Cape Cod, which is where the Electric Boat Company used to try theirs out before turning them over to purchasers.

  30. She was a boarding-place, a sort of club, for the crew and attendants, as well as a supply station for the submarines which in these New England waters were being tried out for one of the warring Powers.

  31. Men in submarines get $1 extra for every day their boat submerges up to $15 a month.

  32. Men cannot stand to it as to an ordinary watch; they have to be relieved frequently; and so submarines may have an advantage over merchant ships, especially if the merchant ships are slow-moving freighters.

  33. Christmas and submarines have made the mails very late and we have again been nearly a fortnight without any.

  34. It had been prophesied before the war that after three ships had been sunk by enemy submarines no merchantman would put to sea.

  35. If English submarines were in the Marmora, so, too, were German submarines off the Dardanelles, and if the Turks were losing transports the English were losing battleships.

  36. Chapter XII Soghan-Dere And The Flier Of Ak-Bash Next morning, after news had been telephoned in that the submarines had got another battleship, the Majestic, we climbed again into the covered wagon and started for the south front.

  37. The English and French could not force the Dardanelles; no more could they advance on land, and now that the submarines had arrived, the fleet, which had been bothersome, would be taken care of.

  38. When proceeding between mine-fields, or when bound for dangerous waters, it is natural for submarines to get a good departure or landfall if possible, but all such strategic points are unhealthy to approach.

  39. Neither side had any submarines present at the Battle of Jutland, for the simple reason that neither side had at that time any boats fast enough to cruise with the Fleet and so arrive in time at a tactical rendezvous.

  40. There are now 135 German submarines in England, and there are more to come yet.

  41. Our submarines have seen your K-boats at sea.

  42. The L boats were enlarged and improved E's, and are probably the finest patrol submarines in existence.

  43. In consequence the survivors were drowned--a contingency which might have been avoided if the two belligerent submarines diving round the spot could have trusted each other sufficiently to rise with a white flag flying.

  44. The Marmora submarines hardly deign to mention such small fry as dhows and other sailing ships, but the list runs to a great length when put together.

  45. Although Zeppelins did not, as far as is known, cause our submarines any damage by bombing or other aggressive action, they were a great nuisance, in that they often caused delay to the boats on passage to their areas.

  46. The British Submarines have worked unseen and unheard of.

  47. Later in the war the Germans renewed their attack successfully--secure in the knowledge that the internal conditions caused by the Revolution had prevented the British submarines from operating.

  48. Unlike their brethren in the non-mine-laying submarines they had practically nothing to do.

  49. It must have been a strafed U-boat, since I know for a dead cert that none of our submarines are taking part in the present operations.

  50. I had defended the German use of submarines on the ground that it was our only possible method against the British blockade, illegal and inhuman as it was.

  51. We spotted what we took to be a U-boat and, having had official information that none of our submarines was within eighty miles of us, we naturally let rip the moment we sighted you.

  52. None of our submarines are about here, I suppose?

  53. If as a mark-boat to assist returning submarines to verify their position, the fact of closed hatches was easily explained.

  54. I nearly sank one of our own submarines once.

  55. Here they were to take on board two experienced U-boat commanders from submarines expected to be homeward-bound from the Irish Sea, and then proceed to the Atlantic seaboard of the United States.

  56. One of our submarines has been busy, then," remarked Morpeth.

  57. I continued scouting, having warned the British warships that two submarines were in the vicinity.

  58. The wind was blowing about 30 knots when I boarded the mother ship of the submarines in the English East Coast port.

  59. Exactly--or, rather, the risks to the crews of submarines will become even greater.

  60. So that the use of submarines will become limited once such ships as this are built in numbers," ventured the Major.

  61. The submarines were sent there in sections and assembled in shipyards arranged for that purpose.

  62. Perhaps, in these stirring times, the waters of the harbor had to be patrolled by guards on the watch for submarines or other perils.

  63. Here was a mole alongside of which possibly submarines tied up, and its destruction would deprive the enemy of a valuable station.

  64. That is where the submarines stay when they're in port, and it's being pounded pretty lively, you notice.

  65. From there they expected to go to Liverpool, and take passage on the first steamer sailing for New York, regardless of the danger from German submarines lurking in the Irish Sea.

  66. How many submarines were playing around beneath him, he could not guess.

  67. These Nazi submarines and raiders are the rattlesnakes of the Atlantic.

  68. In the waters which we deem necessary for our defense, American naval vessels and American planes will no longer wait until Axis submarines lurking under the water, or Axis raiders on the surface of the sea, strike their deadly blow--first.

  69. If submarines or raiders attack in distant waters, they can attack equally well within sight of our own shores.

  70. In view of the established presence of German submarines in this vicinity, there can be no reasonable doubt as to the identity of the flag of the attacker.

  71. No British or American submarines were within hundreds of miles of this spot at the time, so the nationality of the submarine is clear.

  72. Our latest atomic submarines will cost $50 millions each, while some special types will cost three times as much.

  73. This year, moreover, growing numbers of nuclear-powered submarines will enter our active forces, some to be armed with Polaris missiles.

  74. Our atomic submarines have shattered endurance records and made historic voyages under the North Polar Sea.

  75. Our nuclear submarines have cruised under the North Pole and circumnavigated the earth while submerged.

  76. This means nuclear submarines and cruisers; improved anti-submarine weapons; missile ships; and the like.

  77. Were there any signs of one of our incomparable submarines about?

  78. Whatever his feelings were towards submarines in general, his action showed that he had no love for those sailing under the Black Cross Ensign--the modern counterpart of the "Jolly Roger.

  79. It was one of a regular pattern supplied to German submarines for sending communications to the surface in the event of the vessel meeting with an accident that prevented her from rising.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "submarines" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.