In other respects, he confesses that his conception and invention were not equally good, nor did his heads possess so attractive an air as those of Giotto, nor his colours such a suavity of tone.
Excited by the example of Paolo, he attained a suavity of colour and of chiaroscuro, much praised in his larger works, as the gallery of the Duke of S.
It was delivered with such apparentsuavity and innocence, with such a relaxation of the hard, accusing note, that the girl in the witness-box was utterly deceived.
Nor do we accept as genuine the person not characterized by this blushing bashfulness, this youthfulness of heart, this sensibility to the sentiment of suavity and self-respect.
Uniform suavity of manner is indeed rarely found, except in men of high rank.
But I soon found that, if the Dean's station and relation to the higher orders had made him lofty, those same relations had given a peculiar suavity to his manners.
Her actions, by their suavity and by their moderation, "Rival in calls to Love that Love must hear.
Wherefore it appears that, as has been said, this suavity or affability is necessary.
Bellamy,—and thence to glide on to the points of difference and agreement in theology, with a suavity and deference which acted on the good man like a June sun on a budding elm-tree.
He smiled back at her, all his former suavity regained.
Madeleine did not allow the district-attorney to finish; he interrupted him in accents full of suavity and authority.
Mr. Gridley asked, with a suavity and courtesy in his tone and manner that showed how he felt for her sex and her helpless position.
The question pierced to the very marrow of his soul, but it was put with the utmost suavity and courtesy, and honeyed with a compliment to the young lady, too, so that there was no avoiding a direct and pleasant answer to it.
The bloom of his cheeks, the innocent brightness of his eye, the suavity of his disposition, were the natural results of the training which his heart had received.
When in view of him again, I saw, as I had expected, that he was drawn up by the window and was bowing and beckoning with even more grace and suavity than he had shown below.
You are excited," he remarked, with a suavity that nearly drove me mad.
The days of mealy-mouthed suavity had not yet come to the Faculty.
In 1686 he was appointed physician to Princess Anne of Denmark, and was for some years a trusted adviser of that royal lady; but he lacked the compliant temper and imperturbable suavity requisite for a court physician.
The suavityof his melody, the purity of his form, and the delicacy of his scoring have been excelled by none.
Mendelssohn's merits and defects have led to much violent discussion, but thesuavity of his melody, the purity of his form and the delicacy of his orchestration have been excelled by none.
But at sight of Judge Whipple on the steps hissuavity returned.
The Colonel answered them all truthfully--generally with that dangerous suavity for which he was noted.
On the inside of the glass partition of the private office, a voice of great suavity was heard.
Suavity was come upon it like a new glove and changed the man.
Eliphalet's suavity with certain delinquent customers from the Southwest was A wording to Scripture.
An oppressive suavity of manner, an exaggerated politeness encased him in an impenetrable armor, and prevented the real man from ever being reached beneath this smooth surface.
He knelt to pray; and while he was so doing, the abbot, who was riding on, felt his mind inflamed with a suavity of devotion, such as he had never before experienced.
His voice of spirited suavity startled her from a waking dream of power tempered by policy, ambitions achieved through adulation of men.
The suavity of this pronouncement enfolded all as with a blessing.
Mink and the cat are standing airing themselves on the door-step, and, by the suavity of their manner, obviously invite him to enter.
He was admired alike for the depth and versatility of his erudition, the benevolence of his heart, and the suavity of his manners.