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Example sentences for "styptic"

Lexicographically close words:
stylograph; stylographic; styloid; stylus; stynt; styptics; sua; suade; suae
  1. Orange-yellow crystalline deliquescent pieces, odorless, and with a strongly styptic taste.

  2. White, odorless lumps or powder, with an earthy, afterward styptic and metallic taste.

  3. Fe) and rendered non-styptic by the presence of a citrate.

  4. The peculiar train of symptoms arising from the eating of ergotised grain (culminating occasionally in gangrene of the lower limbs), its powerful action on the pregnant uterus, and its styptic effects, are well known.

  5. The crystals have an astringent, styptic taste, are insoluble in alcohol, but dissolve in about 1.

  6. It is of a reddish-brown colour, has a bitter styptic taste, and consists chiefly of tannin.

  7. Chromic acid is obtained in quadrangular crystals, of a deep red colour; it has a very acrid and styptic taste.

  8. When dried and powdered, the root as a styptic is of special virtue to cure the whites of women: in doses of not more than three grains at a time.

  9. Fabulous stories are told about this remarkable Fern root; and in China its hairy down is so highly valued as a styptic for fresh bleeding cuts and wounds, that few families will be without it.

  10. The Sloe has been employed as a styptic ever since the time of Dioscorides.

  11. Styptic (chiefly in post-partum hemorrhage: 1 dram to pint water).

  12. Ferropyrine: as a styptic in throat operations.

  13. Dr Todd says, that in all cases of internal haemorrhage, or haemorrhagic tendency, it is the best astringent or styptic we possess.

  14. Both are gathered before the insect has escaped, and are styptic and powerfully astringent.

  15. In cases of hæmorrhage of a severe character, Ruspini's styptic is most beneficial, and may be recommended.

  16. Monsel's solution, is the best and most effective styptic that we have.

  17. The use of the ancient styptic stick of alum, copper or silver is discountenanced everywhere as uncleanly.

  18. When bleeding occurs which does not yield to the effects of a styptic because of its constant washing away when applied, it becomes necessary to apply pressure to the wound.

  19. A superior styptic has been supplied in the form of dry subsulphate of iron fused to small sticks of wood.

  20. Verbal styptic charms were much in vogue among the Irish people in early times.

  21. Dr Christison declares that a sure test of poisonous fungus is an astringent, styptic taste, and a disagreeable pungent odour; but this, again, cannot always be depended on.

  22. Helvetius's styptic was for a long time employed under this title.

  23. Gallic acid is also a good styptic to employ in these cases.

  24. These impostors pretend that the use of some vaunted salve, ointment, or styptic lotion, applied on the outside, will heal and cure the deep-seated separation of the muscular fibres.

  25. Its styptic properties are undoubtedly due to tannic acid, as all the tests I have been able to make prove this to be the case.

  26. The bark is astringent from its salacin content and is used as a styptic and poultice for sores.

  27. At the precise moment in question, the barber will be applying a styptic pencil to this insignificant wound.

  28. Then in a moment she passed the elastic under the sufferer's head, drew it over with the styptic between her finger and thumb, and crack!

  29. She forced in more styptic, increasing the pressure, then she whipped out a sort of surgical housewife, and with some cutting instrument reduced the cork, then cut it convex, and fastened it on the styptic by another elastic.

  30. The most effective styptic in enterorrhagia is cold.

  31. Allingham prefers the persulphate of iron to any other styptic for this purpose.

  32. Tasting a small piece will immediately tell, if the species is not known, whether it is edible or of the styptic kind.

  33. Therefore I readily consented to oblige him, although I am no au fait in the Styptic dialect, and cannot therefore be held answerable for the accuracy of my friend's translation, which he admits himself is of a rather free description.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "styptic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    astringent; clamp; consumptive; pincers; styptic