At the news of the passage of the Six Articles, which of course stultified all his efforts, Barnes had come back to England, profoundly disgusted at the King’s vacillating policy.
James’ marriage and Henry’s outspoken wrath stultified all Cromwell’s efforts to bring about a cordial personal feeling and a lasting peace between the two sovereigns.
But, as our Ministry had already given way on many topics, a sudden declaration of war on Swiss and Italian affairs would have stultified its complaisant conduct on weightier subjects.
She says, "I always felt stultified up to this hour, for Justice was always dissatisfied and frowning.
We have stultified motherhood most brutally in two of our main food products--milk and eggs--exploiting this function remorselessly to our own appetites.
Soon divers members of the hunt appeared on the scene, and it was evident from their movements that the chase had been stultifiedby general puzzle-headedness as to the whereabouts of the intended victim.
But Lydie had no such misgivings; as she now sped through the park, she no longer saw its artificiality, its stunted rose trees and the stultified plantations.
In Babylon, which was at the time the focus of all earthly wisdom and power, in Babylon the ancient mother of sciences and arts, a crude polytheism stultified all the wisdom of the wise, and lent its sanction to a profound moral corruption.
For ancient Israel, the result of yielding to the seductions of foreign worship was, that "They were stultified in their best endeavours.
The secession of the Southern States was a mere corollary of the American proposition of government; and the Northern States stultified themselves, the moment they attempted to resist it.
I confess I am utterlystultified in my estimate of you.
In the pause which followed, Jude's eyes fixed themselves with a stultified expression on the opposite seat.
Neo-catholicism on the one hand, and Socialism on the other, havestultified France.
Neo-Catholicism on the one hand, and Socialism on the other, have stultified France.
It also follows, that a race of men whose intellects have been long stultified by ages of barbarism, cannot, by any contact with the principles and usages of civilized life, be speedily thrown up to an elevated platform.
And when Lola came, the magnet of her sex drew him not only without a struggle but with an insatiable hunger into the side of life against which Feo had slammed the door, leaving him stultified and disgusted.
I was stultifiedto be told that he had decided to chuck politics.
The rejoinder of the Government to the demands made was to the effect that the postulate of the Commissioners that Ireland and Great Britain must, for the purposes of the inquiry, be considered as separate entities stultified the report.
And for the same reason he has lost receptibility to intermediate vibrations in the COLOR spectrum, which has clouded or stultified his visional faculties.
Of all blind stultified "royal sluggards" she is the archetype.
To carry out these feelings he has described a girl, vigorous and handsome, a nice, normal girl, who is crushed and stultified in her home life and wants to get out of it; as is the case with so many girls today.
Why have we been so blind to this glaring truth that we have stultified our giving instinct and made of it an abnormal process called "Charity," or a much restricted pleasure only used in families or at Christmas time?
Bijard, as stultified as ever, with his eyes on the corpse which was his own work, still wagged his head, but more slowly, like a worried animal might do.
But Gervaise was already too stultified with a sick head and a crushed heart, to think of the shame for long.
The Presbyterians have provided for a revision of their creed, though they have stultified themselves by certain restrictions, shutting out the light they do not want!
Ministers with high salaries are almost sure to be spoiled, and those with low ones are sure to be stultified and dwarfed intellectually and morally; so that we cannot depend upon either class for the highest and latest truths.
It disposes of our Burgundy hypothesis, for a false Jeanne, after recanting to secure her safety, would never havestultified herself by such a barefaced relapse.
They have become stultified in their relations with others and have pent-up feelings in need of release.
Do you feel stultified or oppressed by your relationships with your spouse, friends, or family?
Having stultified themselves, they passed from the rooms at the rear, and thenceforth traveled on the other path more suited to their changed natures.
In this poisonous hall Miss Church-Member stultifiedherself more than in any other place which she had ever before visited, and thereby added one more decisive step in her downward course.
From the beginning of the difficulty to the present time, the regulars, from their commander-in-chief down, have stultified themselves.
One part of the press, stultifiedand stupefied, staggered under the blow; the other part showed its utter degradation by fawning on Scott and attacking the Congress, or its best part.