His last letters That I receav'd weare dated from Leagahorne; Nowe wee by this infortnate storme are driven Into Marcellis roads.
From sea; our shipp last night in the great storme Cast on these rocks and split; this the fyrst place Exposed unto our eyes to begge releiff.
The storme at sea was not more terrible Then this the land now threatens; againe undoone, Over and over wretched!
Enter after a greate Tempestuous storme Mr. Ashburne an Englishe marchant and his man Godfrey.
During the time also that I remained in the same, it was vexed with great storme and tempest, which caused me not a little to doubt of my safe returne.
Lett not my suppliant breath raise a rude storme To wrack my suite: O keepe Pitty warme In thy cold breast, and yearely on this day Mine eyes a tributary streame shall pay.
That seldome lett'st a blushing youthfull prime 30 Hide his hot beames in shade of silver age, So rare is hoary Vertue) the dire rage Of a mad storme these bloomy joyes all tore, Ravisht the maiden blossoms, and downe bore The trunke.
The aire does wooe thee, Winds cling to thee; Might a word once fly from out thee, Storme and thunder Would sit under, And keepe silence round about thee.
I now begins a second Storme to rise, For this is hee that moues both Winde and Tyde Warw.
Why now blow winde, swell Billow, And swimme Barke: The Stormeis vp, and all is on the hazard Bru.
A little gale will soone disperse that Cloud, And blow it to the Source from whence it came, Thy very Beames will dry those Vapours vp, For euery Cloud engenders not a Storme Rich.
The storme beginnes, poore wretch, That for thy mothers fault, art thus expos'd To losse, and what may follow.
The old man after long deliberation, thought there was no better way to avoyd the storme of cruell fortune to come, then to run away.
At these words the tempest of stones did cease, and the storme of the Dogges vanished away.
This mightie pile, that keeps the wyndes at baie, 5 Fyre-levyn and the mokie storme defie, That shootes aloofe into the reaulmes of daie, Shall be the record of the Buylders fame for aie.
Soe wylle wee beere the Dacyanne armie downe, And throughe a storme of blodde wyll reache the champyon crowne.
Swefte as the rayne-storme toe the erthe alyghtes, 675 Soe wylle we fall upon these royners felle.
Malacca, his fleet was dispersed, one gallion being cast away in a storme at Malacca, and other 2 sent for New Spayne.
Lyke as they that wer convenit at the Pannis sould do their part be-eist; and to meit thame that wer in the Pannis; and att thair meting, thay sould mak the storme vniversall thro the see.
Oh for a lusty storme to bury all Their hopes in the waves now!
Dear sir, let me have power to recall Your graver thoughts out of this violent storme Of passion that thus oerwhelmes your mind.
The storme being ore) came in & forcd from me The Jewell of my virgin honour.
This boystrous storme so seuered vs from one another, that one shippe knewe not what was become of another.
This night we had a marueilous stormeand lost the Mooneshine.
Thus being freshly mored a new storme arose, the winde being Westnorthwest, very forcible, which lasted vnto the tenth day at night.
The 14 we stopt our leake in a storme not very outragious, at noone.
Item, if there happen any storme or contrary winde to the fleet after the discouery, whereby they are separated: then euery ship to repaire vnto their last good port, there to meete againe.
Not farre from thence he lost company of his small pinnesse, which by meanes of the great storme he supposed to be swallowed vp of the Sea, wherein he lost onely foure men.
Written by me in the same storme and ship with her Majesty.
They were in great danger, because that night there was a great storme of winde, in the which they lost the rudder of their shippe, and almost without any hope to escape the fury thereof.
Malateste, What whirlewinds can we raise to blow this storme Backe in their faces who thus shoot at me?
Let 'em be doubled: I am full of thoughts, A thousand wheeles tosse my incertaine feares; There is a storme in my hot boyling braines Which rises without wind; a horrid one.
So, like a storme Beating upon a wood of lustie Pines, Which though they shake they keepe their footing fast, Our pikes their horses stood.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "storme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.