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Example sentences for "stirrings"

Lexicographically close words:
stirred; stirrer; stirrers; stirreth; stirring; stirrup; stirrups; stirs; stis; stitch
  1. Watch against the first stirrings of your wrath, and presently command it down: reason and will can do much if you will but use them according to their power.

  2. Yet certain stirrings of conscience made her think of the man who had imperilled himself for her sake and her brother's.

  3. But there had been times when from its faint, uneasy stirrings he should have taken warning that it did no more than slumber.

  4. Deep down in Finn's share of this store there were faint stirrings in the direction of hatred and vengeance; but of these, Finn was not actually conscious as yet.

  5. Finn was moved by conscious discomfort, and vague mental stirrings of impending trouble of some sort.

  6. Jess had vague recollections of similar changes in her man having occurred before this time, and she had vague, uncomfortable stirrings which told her that further change of some sort was imminent.

  7. His body free of new pains he rested that night more thoroughly than he had rested for a long time; and there were faint stirrings of hope in his mind.

  8. It is perhaps only in these great stirrings of the national mind that a man may discover to which of the main groupings of political opinion he naturally belongs.

  9. Others urged with Davitt that unless the Fenians threw their hearts into the real stirrings of the Irish people, and helped them in their immediate and material need, they would cease to represent the life of their country.

  10. So long as the ideal held good, it was possible for the Papacy to stamp out heresies and to stifle the earlier stirrings of antagonistic culture.

  11. He had observed the stirrings of a new and sincere spirit of religious gravity, an earnest desire for ecclesiastical reform in his own country.

  12. Though at root identical in tendency towards freedom, these stirrings of the modern spirit assumed externally such diverse forms as made them reciprocally repellent.

  13. Adding the first stirrings of imagination he must have constructed possible events in which the danger would come from the same causes as before.

  14. After a time they even looked about them with, dim stirrings of an attitude other than a desperate alertness for danger.

  15. Things flew through the blackness overhead--moths with mighty wing-beats that sometimes sent rhythmic wind-stirrings down to the tribe in its hiding-place.

  16. Faint stirrings were visible in his chest as his habit-numbed lungs attempted to breathe.

  17. Those vague stirrings of chivalry and aspiration were gone, and gone that sense of well-earned ease.

  18. She was dumfounded, as though she had received a blow; and it seemed to her that she felt the first stirrings of life within her.

  19. True, reason is able to suppress the individual stirrings of this appetite.

  20. Further, the restless stirrings of his age, beginning to arouse itself from the social lethargy of centuries, appeared to him pitifully unintelligent and devoid of results.

  21. Her iron gaze quickly despatched the small stirrings of tenderness (and guilt) which he had felt the night before.

  22. But at the same time she felt the slow stirrings of concerned motherhood, and at that not the detached, objective instincts of a guardian, the role she had been forced to assume, and grown accustomed to these many years.

  23. Without being asked, or telling himself that he was good or kind to do so, he felt the simple, organic stirrings of compassion in his aged heart.

  24. At first Louise's ears were sensitive to every sound, and there were stirrings in the hillock by which she slept, but she comforted herself with the thought that they were the stirrings of lonely little waifs of nature like herself.

  25. Dost thou know for a certainty, that those persons whose condition thou judgest happy, are altogether free of the inward stirrings of those lusts that thou art brought under by?

  26. And yet, stirrings of memory coming now to the assistance of reflection, compelled him uneasily to insist that here something was not as it should be.

  27. He was spurred to it, I suspect, by certain vague stirrings of jealousy.

  28. It is not strange that as he developed into manhood, especially when his deeper nature began to feel the stirrings of ambition and of love, these seasons of depression and gloom came upon him with overwhelming force.

  29. Already he began to feel stirrings of ambition which prompted him to look beyond his own daily needs toward the larger interests of his county and his State.

  30. Parents and teachers should endeavor to answer such questions as these: When do the first stirrings of the moral sense appear in the child?

  31. He is a man of genius, as his later career proves, and the stirrings of his genius manifest themselves in his early dreams of future greatness.

  32. And it is true that the first stirrings of higher life usually come to all of us with pain and terror.

  33. It is said that idiots often manifest peculiar pain and terror at the sound of music, because it awakens within them faint stirrings of that higher life from which God's mysterious dispensation has shut them out.

  34. With that the phase of stirrings and intimations was over for ever in my life.

  35. I can't tell you Herbert, how it all is, with just these groping stirrings of that mole in my mind's dark.

  36. Chance and the stirrings of a long-gone life have torn down the veil age spins so thick and fast.

  37. His youth coincided with the strange stirrings in the religious life of the people brought about by the not infrequent peregrinations of John Wesley through the district.

  38. The stirrings were already in the souls of the people; all that was needed was some passing cause to set these forces in motion.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stirrings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.