So far his conduct is strictly pure; but I am afraid morality in stickleback society is of rather a lax order.
Thus provided, when the nuptial season has arrived the male stickleback prepares to build his nest, wherein his mate may deposit her eggs.
Eucalia inconstans is the stickleback of the clear brook from New York to Indiana and Minnesota.
Spinachia spinachia is a large sea stickleback of Europe with many dorsal spines.
PAGE 11 stickleback: The little male stickleback builds a nest, drives the female into it to lay her eggs, then takes charge of the eggs until the fry hatch out and go off for themselves.
It may be father, as in the case of Father Stickleback and Father Toadfish, who cares for the children.
In some fishes, as the stickleback and the trumpet-fish, a pair of flattish or elongate bones called interclavicles (infraclavicles) lie between and behind the lower part of the clavicle.
Similar to the expression of anger in Betta is that of the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus).
For, of course, by the time the story is finished the little stickleback has grown into a big stickleback and has a nest of his own.
But the stickleback is as careful as a blackbird, and builds a little nest for the eggs down among the weeds on the bottom of the ditch, and stays there watching and guarding till they hatch out into little stickles.
We have seen the stickleback lords dash at each other again and again, trying to rip each other up with their sharp spears, and, at the last, we have seen the conqueror sailing proudly away, even more gorgeous than before.
In the love-making times, when the he-newts show their gorgeous coats, the stickleback lords put on a brilliant uniform of glittering green and scarlet and gold.
He may dig the hole, too, as the male stickleback builds the nest.
The little five-spined brook sticklebackin the Cayuga Lake basin, N.
Illustration] The stickleback is a dark-coloured little fish, found in ditches and ponds.
Some people thought that the Stickleback Mothers were lazy.
One fine day, his first child broke the shell, and then another and another, until he had an hundred beautiful Stickleback babies to feed.
He did this until he had almost an hundred eggs there, and all this time he had fought every bright-colored Stickleback who came near him.
As the Stickleback children grew stronger, they swam off to take care of themselves, and he had less to do.
And, as it happened, they had just pulled their last legs through the open doorway when a Stickleback Father came along.
That same day when the Stickleback Father came to look for nineteen or twenty of his children who were missing, Mother Eel told him about her plans.
Oh, they'll be all right," said a Stickleback cheerfully.
As to the Stickleback Mothers--well, that is different.
However, he wanted more eggs in his nest, so he watched for another dull-colored Stickleback and called her in to help him.
The bright-colored Stickleback looked at the eggs she had laid.
That must make it hard for you," said another Stickleback politely.
Now this Stickleback was a year old and knew much more than he did the summer before.
The visiting Stickleback replied, "I shall if I want to!
I generally fed them first, about twenty feet up the bank; but one morning I found one or two had followed me down to the residence of the stickleback family.
The bell now and then rang violently, but I fear it was only sounding an appeal from a voracious stickleback whose appetite had got the better of his rage.
The male stickleback (Gasterosteus leiurus) has been described as "mad with delight" when the female comes out of her hiding-place and surveys the nest which he has made for her.
The Stickleback's Nest The three-spined and two-spined sticklebacks live equally well in fresh or salt water; the larger fifteen-spined stickleback is entirely marine.
In one of his attempts to seize a leech, thestickleback having got it by the tail, the animal curled back and fixed its disc upon his snout.
The Stickleback is about an inch and a half in length and is furnished with spines, which it uses with great effect when fighting with its enemies.
On putting the leeches into the water, the stickleback darted round the tumbler with lively motions till it found a leech detached, and in a proper situation for being seized.
The stickleback then seized it by the head in a proper position for swallowing, and after a few gulps the leech disappeared.
The Stickleback associated with the earliest efforts of the youthful angler, and most of us can remember capturing specimens of some fresh water variety, in the days of childhood, and carrying them home in triumph, in a bottle.
The efforts of the stickleback to rid himself of this encumbrance were amusing.
Woe betide any small fish looking for a dinner of Stickleback eggs!
The little Sticklebackof our ponds wears sharp spines, and knows well how to use them.
He likes to use a "ready-made" house, whereas theStickleback finds his own "bricks and mortar.
You observe that my stickleback here, whom I have just caught, has had time to acquire special means of defence and attack.
When the nest has reached this stage of completion it is easy to discover, because the stickleback keeps watch before it, and at that season his breast is of a bright crimson hue.
The species which construct nests for laying in are fairly numerous; the classical case of the Sticklebackis always quoted, but this is not the only animal of its class to possess the secret of the manufacture of a shelter for its eggs.
It is scarcely necessary to recall the skilful art with which the Stickleback which inhabits all our streams plaits its nest and remains sentinel near it.
Yet, besides those which I have already mentioned, there is one which equals the Stickleback in the skill it displays in constructing a shelter for its spawn.
The stickleback will do to manure our garden; and I am sure you will like the cup, if you will only let me finish it.
Only let me finish it, and you shall have it in exchange for the stickleback you caught this morning.
It was he who bent the first pin, with which Tom extracted his first stickleback out of "Pebbly Brook," the little stream which ran through the village.
The firststickleback was a splendid fellow, with fabulous red and blue gills.
The frog brought her eggs, the stickleback had almost finished his nest and hundreds of animals that were so small that one could hardly see them ran about and made ready for their young ones.
For, only a moment ago, with my own eyes I saw how the stickleback built a nest down there for his children.
He was reduced to stickleback fry, small larvae, and even juveniles of his own race.
Not to be out of the fashion, therefore, the romantic stickleback does precisely the same thing as all these distinguished and poetical compeers.
For, like almost all polygamists, your sticklebackis a terrible fighter.
To those whose acquaintance with fish is mainly culinary, it may seem odd to hear that the father stickleback alone takes part in the care of the nursery.
To keep up a due supply of oxygen, therefore, the father stickleback ungrudgingly devotes laborious days in poising himself delicately just above the nest, as you see in No.
The special peculiarity of the male stickleback consists in the fact that he is, above all things, a model father.
One wife, however, does not suffice to fill the nest with eggs; and the stickleback is a firm believer in the advantages of large families.
The spines on his back here stand him once more in good stead: for small as he is, the stickleback is not an antagonist to be lightly despised: he can inflict a wound which a perch or a trout knows how to estimate at its full value.
For stickleback abound in every running stream and pond in England.
Which of us cannot look back in youth to the mysteries of the stickleback fisheries?
There is a common kind of frog in France, Belgium, and Switzerland, which does not extend to England, but which closely recalls the habits of the stickleback and the pipe-fish.
The rest of the party soon retired; and Bristles and Stickleback began their confidential conclave.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stickleback" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.