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Example sentences for "step nearer"

  • The page too, I hear, is his own nephew, and he will be the laughing-stock of the French camp at having been conquered by one so much younger than himself.

  • I hear but a poor account of him among his confreres.

  • Who would have thought," said the tall forester, "that the lad who but a short time ago was a child, should now have sustained the honour of the country?

  • They would not refuse their wonted office, and yet as he took a step nearer, he raised the hunting crop he held.

  • A sound which might have been a laugh reached her as she took a step nearer, brandishing the knife; perhaps it was that which made her pause again in her turn; for laughter was hardly what she expected.

  • She took a step nearer, and a cry escaped her.

  • He flung his cigarette into the water and took a step nearer her.

  • On the whole, Mr. Spence was not only prepossessing, but he contrived to give Honora, as she shook his hand, the impression of being brought a step nearer to the national source of power.

  • He straightened himself with an impetuous movement, and came a step nearer.

  • There is much," he returned resolutely, advancing a step nearer.

  • She came a step nearer, and put her arms about his neck.

  • Stirred suddenly out of the coldness that he had hitherto assumed, he caught the outstretched hands and drew her a step nearer.

  • She came a step nearer, which brought her very close to him.

  • He made a step nearer--saw the long barrel moving unsteadily at the end of her extended arm.

  • She made a step nearer, her arms fell by her side, then she put them straight out nearly touching Lingard's breast.

  • As she spoke she made a step nearer, then another.

  • Therefore Barnabas sighed and came a step nearer, and in that moment it vanished; therefore Barnabas stood still again.

  • Barnabas, coming a step nearer, though in a somewhat stately fashion.

  • The figure bared its head in the gray light, and came slowly a step nearer.

  • Allan advanced a step nearer to her, and lowered his voice, without the slightest necessity, to a mysterious whisper.

  • Having said that, the fisherman came a step nearer, and addressed himself to me.

  • She limped a step nearer to me, and looked as if she could have eaten me alive.

  • Sergeant Cuff took a step nearer to me--meaning kindly, I don't doubt.

  • Rachel advanced a step nearer, and looked at me very strangely.

  • Again the quick light flamed in his eyes, and now he came a step nearer.

  • The next day, bringing my weekly payment, brought me a step nearer on the way to the end.

  • She came a step nearer, with a look of distrust as well as a look of astonishment in her face.

  • Geoffrey ventured a step nearer to the object that he had in view.

  • Come a step nearer," she cried, "and I shall know how to defend myself.

  • He came a step nearer to the young man, and spoke with astonished urgency.

  • She came a step nearer, and her voice wheedled.

  • Moving his horse a step nearer, he bent toward her triumphantly.

  • At last he turned and came a step nearer her, courtly and noble as he had always been.

  • And coming a step nearer to Tignonville she snapped her small white fingers under his nose.

  • He went a step nearer to the door, and his eyes grew bright.

  • He drew a step nearer, and his hand reached softly for his dagger.

  • She came a step nearer to me, and peered at me.

  • But she came a step nearer to me, and peered at me; and after one look took the lamp from the table and held it to my face.

  • She came a step nearer, as if to bar a hint he gave of leaving.

  • She took a step nearer, and then stood looking curiously, almost fearfully, at the child she had borne.

  • Lesley came a step nearer to him, with an odd look of resolve on her face.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "step nearer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    distant parts; eight points; legged stool; own country; pate tendre; progress toward; promote regional; she came; step backward; step down; step farther; step further; step nearer; step over; step toward; step towards; stepped back; stepped forward; stepped inside; stepping forward; steps leading; steps shall; steps were; that old; white beard; will submit