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Example sentences for "steel traps"

  • Taken all in all we do not know that a certain number of deadfalls take up any more time than an equal number of steel traps.

  • After you have once found a good trapping section, and built your cabin, deadfalls and snares, you can go there fall after fall with your line of steel traps, resetting your deadfalls with but little repairs for years.

  • Whether the statement is true or not, matters but little, altho one thing is certain and that is that many of the men who have spent years in trapping and have been successful use the deadfalls and snares as well as steel traps.

  • I have seen enough to be sure that fox are not afraid of either human scent or steel traps, if the dirt is not disturbed around the trap.

  • From November 20 to January 20 is the open season for foxes on the islands, and box traps, rather than dead falls or steel traps, are used.

  • Does the iron and steel used in farm implements differ from that used in steel traps, so that the latter must be handled with such care as is advocated by many of the trapper's profession?

  • It takes in most of those old sly ones that have been nipped by steel traps, etc.

  • From under the counter you drag out a mink skin or so; from the dark corner an assortment of steel traps.

  • To those that have followed the setting of Steel Traps there is a fascination or "fever" which comes over them every fall about the time of the first frosts.

  • Among trappers there is a variety of opinion as to the different kind of baits to use, and also as to the different ways to avoid the smell of iron or steel traps.

  • This embraces the view of the manufacture, the trapper and of the author who has had years of experience and should be of great value to inexperienced users of Steel Traps.

  • The trapper who makes mink trapping a business should have various kinds of traps and sets for them, such as steel traps, both bait and blind sets, as well as deadfalls.

  • The most successful trapper uses some deadfalls as well as steel traps, especially if trapping for a season at one place.

  • Many of the traps described in the early part of this work are also used, and for the amateur who has not the ready cash to layout in steel traps, are decidedly to be recommended and will be found very efficient.

  • The number of bears killed in this part, fall of 1911, notwithstanding that the use of steel traps is prohibited, was larger than has been in years.

  • Much information is also contained in the writings of Mr. Woodcock and whether you use gun, steel traps, deadfalls or snares, you will find something of value.

  • As we only had a limited number of steel traps it was our intention to spend the first week in camp, building deadfalls for coon and mink and use the steel traps for fox.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "steel traps" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    could they; double play; equal volume; going out; good parte; her mistress; inches broad; increasingly used; infantile paralysis; lips were; moral responsibility; produce death; pulmonary consumption; shall never; steel helmet; steel making; steel rails; steel trap; steel traps; steel wire; succeeding ages; threw myself; whispered back; wild bells; will raise; wine glass