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Example sentences for "succeeding ages"

  • The innumerable swarms that issued, or seemed to issue, from the great storehouse of nations, were multiplied by the fears of the vanquished, and by the credulity of succeeding ages.

  • We may observe with much more propriety, that, during that period, the disciples of the Messiah were indulged in a freer latitude, both of faith and practice, than has ever been allowed in succeeding ages.

  • The conflict itself, and the glory of the struggle on the part of the Spartans, have been favorite themes with the poets of succeeding ages.

  • These were the qualities in the plays of Euripides that endeared him to the Greeks of succeeding ages, and that gave to his works such an influence on the Roman and modern drama.

  • He is highly praised in Grecian legends for his love of agriculture; and his gardens, so beautifully described by Homer, have afforded a favorite theme for poets of succeeding ages.

  • That the original story was miraculous, is very fairly also inferred from the miraculous powers which were laid claim to by the Christians of succeeding ages.

  • Finally; beside the silence of three centuries, or evidence within that time of their rejection, they were, with a consent nearly universal, reprobated by Christian writers of succeeding ages.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "succeeding ages" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    black gave; bring peace; differing only; exert himself; great size; had little; heat from; high peak; more recent; not let; prepared for; que era; slight excess; succeeding ages; succeeding generations; succeeding times; then quickly; think not; thousand warriors; three hundred and forty; various organs; various other; word about; would remain