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Example sentences for "steam engines"

  • Defn: A contrivance applied to steam engines, water wheels, and other machinery, to maintain nearly uniform speed when the resistances and motive force are variable.

  • It is used in steam engines to receive motion from the steam, and in pumps to transmit motion to a fluid; also for other purposes.

  • This invention relates to a new and useful improvement in the mode of operating valves of steam engines, more especially designed for pumping engines, but applicable to other purposes or to valves of steam and water engines generally.

  • Watt wrote as follows: "My attention was first directed to the subject of steam engines by the late Dr.

  • Latrobe, the scientist, who publicly pronounced them as chimerical, and attempted to demonstrate the absurdity of Evans' principles in his report to the Philosophical Society of Pennsylvania on steam engines.

  • He made experiments in steam locomotion on common roads, and took out patents for locomotive steam engines, boilers, driving apparatus, and so on.

  • Usually they were driven by steam engines.

  • One day when he had learned all there was to know about the making of steam engines, he intended to drive one himself.

  • By these laws all forms of engines which were made to work through the agency of heat are classed as heat engines--so that under this head are included steam engines, air engines, gas engines, vapour engines and solar engines.

  • This method of expressing the power of steam engines will be explained hereafter.

  • This notion involved the whole principle of the expansive action of steam, which subsequently proved to be of such importance in the performance of steam engines.

  • To facilitate the manufacturing of steam engines, they erected an iron foundry, at Smethwick, on the banks of the Birmingham canal, where nearly all the laborious part is consigned to the engine.

  • Then, again, I find that the weight of these Continental engines can be greatly reduced, providing that they are made with the same degree of refinement that I employed in building my steam engines.

  • Reliable information given on all subjects relating to Mechanics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Steam Engines, and Boilers, by A.

  • A contrivance applied to steam engines, water wheels, and other machinery, to maintain nearly uniform speed when the resistances and motive force are variable.

  • It is used for operating valves in steam engines, and for other purposes.

  • Of course, there are many kinds of steam engines, but all are run on the same principle, or nearly so.

  • Toe and lifter for working poppet-valves in steam engines.

  • As there are many kinds of boilers, so also are there many kinds of steam engines, but all of these latter, with very few exceptions, have a cylinder and piston for converting the force of the steam into useful and effective motion.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "steam engines" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    amino acids; arrival here; dozen different; each molecule; electric current; insane person; limited extent; little sisters; personal recollections; quickly followed; royal commissioner; spoken language; steam boiler; steam chest; steam engine; steam engines; steam fire; steam gauge; steam heat; steam locomotion; steam navigation; steam power; steam shovel; steam turbine; steam vessel; steam vessels