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Example sentences for "stampe"

Lexicographically close words:
stammerers; stammering; stammeringly; stammers; stamp; stamped; stampede; stampeded; stampeders; stampedes
  1. Vnder my feet I stampe thy Cardinalls Hat: In spight of Pope, or dignities of Church, Here by the Cheekes Ile drag thee vp and downe Winch.

  2. Puzel or Pussel, Dolphin or Dog-fish, Your hearts Ile stampe out with my Horses heeles, And make a Quagmire of your mingled braines.

  3. The inscription runs: "Jacob Stampe living at Ye Sighn of the Callico Printer in Hounsditch Prints all sorts of Callicoes Lineings Silkes Stuffs, New or Ould, at Reasonable Rates.

  4. Jacob Stampe living at ye Sighn of the Callico Printer in Hounsditch Prints all sorts of Callicoes Lineings Silkes Stuffs New or Ould at Reasonable Rates.

  5. O Gods, He has the stampe of Martius, and I haue Before time seene him thus Mar.

  6. And from Baia sin fondo to Cabo Redondo, and Puerto de los leones, are 37 leagues Northnortheast and Southsouth west, somewhat to the North and South.

  7. Iohn Drake after his departing from him to the riuer of Plate.

  8. It were also good that your Maiestie should send order for the building of a couple of Forts or Castles at Cabadelo, for they be very needefull for the defence of the enemie, which dayly doth warre against this Captaineship.

  9. Fenton with the Spanish ships, with a report of the proceeding of M.

  10. And if thou meane to go out from thence with a compasse about after the maner of a halfe circle or an arch, so thou mayest passe through the Baia sin fondo along the shore: for there is water enough.

  11. Some stampe fresh roses with oyle and they put it in a vessel of glasse and set it in the s[=u]ne IIII.

  12. Thou art the same materials, as before, Onely the stampe is changed; but no more.

  13. Other tales of like stampe are rife euery where.

  14. Of this stampe and sort, are most of those thinges wherewith the Monkes inferred and stuffed their bookes.

  15. When did he regard The stampe of Noblenesse in any person Out of himselfe?

  16. Peace Master Marquesse, you are malapert, Your fire-new stampe of Honor is scarce currant.

  17. Baron Stampe was one of nature's noblest-minded men; his hospitality and his lady's daughterly affection for Thorwaldsen opened a home for him here, a comfortable and good one.

  18. Baron Stampe and his family accompanied him to Italy in 1841, when he again visited that country.

  19. Baroness Stampe was in faithful attendance on him, lent him a helping hand, and read aloud for him from Holberg.

  20. He had always desired to go again to Rome, and in 1841, when the Baron von Stampe decided to go there with his family, Thorwaldsen travelled with them.

  21. Baroness Stampe did not stop at one trick upon the old artist, for she found it more easy to gain a point in this way than by argument.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stampe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.