But such sporte haue I with him as I would not leese, Though I should be bounde to lyue with bread and cheese.
That if you coulde haue take it vp at the first bounde, We should therat such a sporte and pastime haue founde, That all the whole towne should haue ben the merier.
This foole by reason of his follye and simplicitye, was the onelye sporte and pastime of the Lord and Lady.
Item, Sir John Mydelton toke leve off the Duke to sporte hym, but he is sett in pryson att Brussellys.
This Ladye seeinge her Louer nousled in hir lust, dandled him with a thousand trumperyes, and made hym holde the Mule, while other enioyed the secrete sporte which earst hee vsed hymself.
Suffiseth vs that an Hystory, be it neuer so full of sporte and pleasure, do bring with it instruction of our lyfe, and amendement of our maners.
That if you coulde have take it up at the first bounde, We should therat such a sporte and pastime have founde, That all the whole towne should have ben the merier.
But such sporte have I with him as I would not leese, Though I should be bounde to lyve with bread and cheese.
Here will the sporte begin; if these two once may meete, Their chere, durst lay money, will prove scarsly sweete.
Neither in sporte nor in earnest, must a man speake any thing against God or his Saintes, how witty or pleasaunt so ever the matter be.
And, when you laugh and sporte in any sorte: you must not crye out and criche like the Pullye of a well: nor yet speake in your yawning.
We must not then reherse Friers sermones to young gentlewomen, when they are disposed to sporte them selves: as y^t good man did, that dwelles not farr hence, nere to S.
I wisse, all their sporte in the Parke is but a shadoe to that pleasure, that I find in Plato: Alas good folke, they neuer felt, what trewe pleasure ment.
And here, for my pleasure I purpose a litle, by the way, to play and sporte with my Master Tully: from whom commonlie I am neuer wont to dissent.
How much more profite is it y^t age to sporte in letters, then in trifles?
What wyll a chyld hear more gladlye then Esops fabels, whyche in sporte and playe teache earnest preceptes of philosophy?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sporte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.