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Example sentences for "spoony"

Lexicographically close words:
spoonfulls; spoonfuls; spooning; spoons; spoonsful; spoor; spoored; spooring; spoors; spoort
  1. A fellow who pirates at all should drag a spoony femme pretty often himself.

  2. Many were the cadets who glared at Dick and Greg for not having inscribed their names on the dance cards of these two very "spoony femmes.

  3. It was a dismal, gloomy sort of hole, and spoony couples seemed to scent it out by instinct, and would spend hours there over a pot of tea and assorted pastry.

  4. Something perhaps like the following will occur: 'What, Jack, are you getting spoony about Mrs. B.

  5. So me an' Kathleen, we soon got spoony an' wanted to marry.

  6. No, not exactly, for I've never been spoony myself.

  7. For the time, however, all such considerations are superseded; that is to say, if the commander himself takes an interest in the sport, and he must be rather a spoony skipper that does not.

  8. In this alone they have some reason; and I have often regretted that, by a royal ordinance of the King of Portugal, the name of this mighty promontory was changed from Cabo de Tormentos, the headland of storms, to its present spoony title.

  9. A fellow can't show a nice girl a whole lot of spoony attentions, and then back off, letting the girl discover that he has been only fooling all summer.

  10. As Dick pushed aside the flap and entered his tent, he beheld his chum and roommate, Greg Holmes, now a cadet lieutenant, carefully transferring himself to his spoony dress uniform.

  11. He began to be jealous of the judge, and the professor too, and absolutely to hate the spoony youth.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spoony" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.