The next avalanche, of course, encroaches still farther, and so on with each in succession until the entire basin may be filled and its water sponged up or displaced.
Silks and satins should be sponged with ammonia and water.
Any material, such as worsted, and wool garments should besponged with ammonia and water.
After being allowed to act a few seconds, the stone is sponged over with clean water, and is then ready for printing from.
Should the prints lose their contrast while the printing is in progress, they are lightly sponged over with a sponge dipped in the last-mentioned solution.
Although badly wounded in the hand, he took the place of a wounded man, and sponged and loaded the gun throughout the entire action.
Molloy instantly jumped from the port to the forecastle, recovered the sponge, and sponged and loaded the gun while outside, exposed to a heavy fire of musketry.
The entire body, especially in the creases where perspiration accumulates, should be spongedonce a day, if one perspires freely.
When the disease permits it, the sick person should be sponged all over daily, the teeth cleansed and the hair brushed.
The rough edges are then sponged and before the piece is thoroughly dried handles are put on if desired.
The inside seams are then leveled and sponged away, and the mould sent to the drying room.
To transfer the drawing from paper on to the stone, the paper is first sponged with diluted nitric acid, which decomposes the size, and renders it bibulous.
This discovery induced him to try the effect on printed paper; and, taking a printed page from an old book, he moistened it with gum-water, and afterwards sponged the whole surface with oil colour.
The bat, sponged clean and porous, is then placed in the frame and the tile pressed as before.
The arm is then swung clear of the mould, which is well spongedwith water to receive the clay.
The insides of the three parts of the mould are sponged and pieces of the thin rolled clay roughly cut to fit them.
The mould is thoroughly dried before using and then sponged with clean water.
Keep this up for an hour if possible, and then the patient is gradually uncovered, spongedunder a blanket with alcohol and water and the wet blankets removed.
Every morning the chest and back should be sponged with cold water, 50 to 60 degrees F.
Colored goods, however, should be sponged with a solution of bicarbonate of soda as the latter does not affect coloring matter.
A few hours before his death he revived up, and his first request was, to be bathed in the river; but his mother persuaded him to be sponged only, as the river water would be too cold for his weak frame.
After his mother had sponged him with water, he desired to be dressed; when his mother dressed him in his green coat and white collar, and seated him at the table with all his books and worldly treasures around him.
If, in spite of this care, the skin seems anywhere to be red or chafed, it should be spongedover with brandy or with sweet spirits of nitre before powdering.
The skin is then sponged clean with a little warm water, and wiped dry, and the hair is arranged with the comb as usual.
The head should be afterwards spongedwith clean, soft water.
The cleaning liquid should be used liberally, and the first dirty portion should be sponged off with clean liquid.
Or if two teaspoonfuls of the tincture are mixed with half a pint of cold water, and if all parts of the body likely to be exposed to the bites of insects are freely spongedtherewith they will remain unassailed.
The coats weresponged or pressed once or twice a week, and this simple outfit served its purpose so well that it was repeated three different summers.
With witch-hazel or alcohol, the body is sponged off, night clothes are put on and a restful night usually follows.
The cord usually drops off, and the abdomen is entirely healed by the seventh to the tenth day, after which time baby is daily sponged for another week.
It is recognised by the eye as a split in the bone, filled with red blood, which, as often as it is sponged away, oozes again into the gap.
In fractures of the middle fossa, the ear should be gently sponged out and the meatus plugged with gauze, retained in position by adhesive plaster or a bandage.
He may be sponged in the morning with weak vinegar and water to clean off the remains of the soap, if there are any.
As a first precaution, when an epidemic of this exists, children should be sponged twice a week all over with hot vinegar before being put to bed.
Bedsores are not likely to occur if the skin is sponged daily with water and this mild soap, and rubbed with Rectified Spirit of Wine, to which a small piece of camphor has been added.
If the clothes are often changed, then, and well washed, and the skin gets a daily washing with soap and is sponged with hot vinegar, there is little danger of infection during an epidemic of smallpox, or even when nursing the disease.
The infected surface may be sponged over with pure carbolic acid, the excess of which is washed off with absolute alcohol, and the wound either drained by tubes or packed with iodoform gauze.
After the burned area has been cleansed and thoroughly dried, it is sponged or painted with the melted paraffin, and before solidification takes place a layer of sterilised gauze is applied and covered with a second coating of paraffin.
The surgical treatment is early and free removal of the affected tissues, after which the wound is cauterised by the actual cautery, and sponged over with pure carbolic acid.
After printing, the flesh side is sponged with a weak milk solution, lightly glassed and dried, when the grain is sponged with weak linseed mucilage, almost dried, and brushed by machine.
The upper edge of the work is carefully sponged with clean water and a good coating of slip is applied at the junction.
The edge is now trimmed and the face sponged over and the plate is ready for the kiln.
Any excess of glaze is removed and the point of contact with the table is sponged clean.
She heard a slight splashing sound and the next moment the grateful feel of water was upon her burning eyelids, as the Texan sponged at them with a saturated bit of cloth.
He carried water in his hat and dashed it over the heads of the horses, and sponged out their mouths and noses as Tex and Bat had done.
He sponged Peaches, rubbed her back, laid her on his pallet, putting fresh sheets on her bed and carefully preparing her supper.
Then he arranged his family so it was not in a draft, sponged and fed it, and failed in the remainder of his promise, because it went to sleep with the last bite and lay in deep exhaustion.
We stopped at the Greyhound, at Croydon, where the two good little mares were sponged and petted and fed, after which, at an easier pace, we made our way through Norbury and Streatham.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sponged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.