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Example sentences for "spirituals"

Lexicographically close words:
spiritualized; spiritualizes; spiritualizing; spirituall; spiritually; spiritualtie; spiritualty; spirituel; spirituell; spirituelle
  1. It is not simony against divine law to buy or sell things annexed to spirituals antecedently (e.

  2. It is simony against divine law to buy or sell things annexed to spirituals consequently (e.

  3. Hence, it is not merely disobedience, but simony, to violate a law which forbids a certain contract because of its nearness to the sale of spirituals for temporals.

  4. But "a charitable or friendly gift" may easily be palliated simony; that is, there may be a pretense of liberality to conceal the real purpose of purchasing spirituals with temporals.

  5. External simony is an outward pact freely entered into between two parties to exchange spirituals for temporals.

  6. The Puritans had asserted this principle in their own defence against the Protestant king and parliament of England, which assumed plenary authority in spirituals as well as in temporals.

  7. In spirituals and in temporals, 'the hand of the diligent maketh rich.

  8. Nothing can I do, but just take the cup of salvation, calling upon the name of the Lord, and remain an eternal debtor to his grace for spirituals and temporals.

  9. In 1275 the spirituals were treated as heretics, imprisoned in chains, and forbidden the sacrament.

  10. The Abbesses have the Crosier-Staff, and both they and their Nuns depend solely upon the Doge, and not at all upon the Pope or the Court of Rome either in Spirituals or Temporals.

  11. He depends only as to Spirituals upon the Holy See, and receives the Pall as an Archbishop.

  12. But you have music in your shuffling feet, And spirituals for a lenient Lord, Who lets you sing your promises away.

  13. Forbes Randolph's Kentucky Jubilee Singers in A Medley of Negro Spirituals and Goin' Home.

  14. Forbes Randolph's Kentucky Jubilee Singers in a Medley of Negro Spirituals and Goin' Home.

  15. Forbes Randolph's Kentucky Jubilee Singers in a Medley of Negro Spirituals and Water Boy.

  16. Forbes Randolph's Kentucky Jubilee Singers in A Medley of Negro Spirituals and Water Boy.

  17. While Negro spirituals were not imported directly from Africa, they were more than an attempt to copy the master's music.

  18. Since then, spirituals have become a standard part of American religious and concert music.

  19. The spirituals were a religious manifestation of the Afro-American heritage.

  20. The spirituals and work songs were the product of the slave.

  21. When, on one occasion, they decided to offer one of their spirituals as an encore, the audience was enthusiastic.

  22. Spirituals joined them; and this group of exalted and isolated ascetics soon began to regard itself as the sole legitimate order of the Minorites and then as the sole Catholic Church.

  23. The broken-hearted man is a man that sees himself in spirituals to be poor.

  24. For indeed the Lord ought to be our hope in temporals, as well as in spirituals and eternals.

  25. And if this is the way to make one wise in this world, and if all this will hardly do, how must the fool that is so in spirituals be whipped and beaten, and stripped before he is made wise therein?

  26. And the thing is true in spirituals (Isa 42:3).

  27. It is where love grows cold that sin abounds; and therefore the want of unity and peace is the cause of that leanness and barrenness that is among us: it is true in spirituals as well as temporals, that peace brings plenty.

  28. The first and most interesting account we have of these Negro spirituals is that of Col.

  29. Higginson has compared the Negro spirituals to the Scotch ballads and to the folk songs of other races.

  30. From time to time, collections of slave songs, plantation and cabin songs and religious spirituals have been published by William F.

  31. We likewise take the oath of allegiance, to be His servants and vassals, and that He shall be our supreme in spirituals and temporals.

  32. Such was that covenant that Jehoiada established, after their engagements for spirituals to God.

  33. The Spirituals began to seek relief in a return to the eremitic life.

  34. Moreover, the extravagances of the Spirituals were no isolated outburst of religious liberty.

  35. It can easily be understood that the taint of Joachitism among the Spirituals gave a splendid opportunity to their adversaries, which the latter were not slow to take.

  36. The Spirituals in the province of Aquitaine, in Beziers, Narbonne and Carcassonne, were forbidden to wear this distinctive garb.

  37. Already evidence was accumulating of heretical dangers which might accrue from the wedding together of Franciscan ideas of poverty with Joachitic mysticism, and Spirituals began to be looked upon askance.

  38. For the persecution of the Spirituals generally see Lea, vol.

  39. It was not only the worldly cleric necessarily that failed to find warrant for the contentions of the Spirituals in the Bible.

  40. But such fanatical Spirituals were exceedingly small in numbers, their influence very restricted, and their extinction was brought about without very much difficulty.

  41. The mendicant orders had been especially the servants of the papacy; the Spirituals were apt to refer to it as Antichrist.

  42. To begin with the Spirituals were in the ascendant.

  43. This pontiff--possessing in his nature not one single feature in common with St. Francis--determined on restoring order within the Franciscan fold and bringing the Spirituals to obedience.

  44. The papal pronouncement made the fanatical Spirituals more and more convinced that the Roman Church was indeed 'the whore of Babylon,' the Pope veritable Antichrist.

  45. Under Clement V the lot of the Spirituals considerably improved, and inveighing against the abuses of their false brethren they very nearly succeeded in securing a permanent separation into an order of their own.

  46. One can but feel that these quaint old spirituals with their peculiar melodies, having served their time with effectiveness, deserve a better fate than to sink into oblivion as unvalued and unrecorded examples of a bygone civilization.

  47. These expressions indicate not only the power of the singing of negro spirituals upon those who heard them, but also many of the characteristics of the old and present-day spirituals.

  48. And without limitations he sings this new song into his old and favorite themes, often inserting stanzas and words that belong to the oldest existing negro spirituals in the same verse with the evangelist's best efforts.

  49. It is scarcely possible to trace the origin of the first spirituals and plantation songs.

  50. Traces of the slave songs may be found in the more modern spirituals that have sprung up since the war.

  51. A number of popular spirituals apparently had their rise in the effort of the church to satisfy the physical cravings of the negroes.

  52. Individuals have composed spirituals while at work or while wandering from place to place, as a simple outgrowth of the circumstances.

  53. In former days the spirituals were judged to be the most beautiful production of the race and the truest representation of the negro's real self.

  54. Many of the spirituals are still popular among the negroes, and often take the place of the regular church hymns.

  55. Among the most interesting of all the negro spirituals are those which have been composed in recent years.

  56. Many of the old spirituals that were common in slavery are still current and are sung with but little modification; others are greatly modified and enlarged or shortened.

  57. The spirituals current among the Southern negroes to-day are very much like those that were sung three or four decades ago.

  58. Omitting for the present this feature of his songs, and qualifying the statement by interpreting his nature and environment, it may be affirmed that all that has been said of the spirituals is true.

  59. The exiled Spirituals were recalled and allowed to select their own domiciles.

  60. The change was not effected without the employment of force, in which the Spirituals had the advantage of popular sympathy, and the convents thus favored became houses of refuge for the discontented brethren elsewhere.

  61. Thus the Spirituals were by no means a united body.

  62. The outward sign of the Spirituals was the habit.

  63. The Spirituals were numerous in the Order, but the policy of Boniface VIII.

  64. That such a man should attach himself to the Spirituals was a matter of course, and equally so was the enmity which he excited by unsparing reproof of the laxity of observance into which the Order had declined.

  65. This was rank rebellion and greatly prejudiced the case of the Spirituals at Avignon.

  66. Spirituals were obliged to disavow all connection with Dolcinism.

  67. It was answered but feebly by the Conventuals, partly by denying its allegations, partly by dialectical subtleties to prove that the Rule did not mean what it said, and partly by accusing the Spirituals of heresy.

  68. This latter dogma became one of so much larger importance that the dreams of the Spirituals were speedily lost to view, and in the later cases it is reasonable to assume that the victims were Fraticelli.

  69. The case was perfectly clear under it, and in fact all the proceedings of the Spirituals after its issue had been flagrantly contumacious--their refusal to change their vestments, and their appeal to the pope better informed.

  70. Like the Spirituals he looked fondly back to the primitive days before Constantine, when in holy poverty the foundations of the faith were laid.

  71. Negro Spirituals The war brought to some of us, besides its direct experiences, many a strange fulfilment of dreams of other days.

  72. I did know spirituals but cant remember them--I tell you dese things, then they go out of my remembering.

  73. From dat we'd swing on into all de old spirituals dat us love so well and dat us knowed how to sing.

  74. They sang spirituals which gave vent to their true feelings.

  75. His manner is kindly, and he is known as "Old Singing Tim" because he hums spirituals all day long as he stumps around town leaning on a stick.

  76. The grieving darkeys, relatives, after he was "eased" in the ground, would sing a few spirituals and return to their cabins.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spirituals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.