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Example sentences for "soothsayers"

Lexicographically close words:
soothingly; soothings; soothly; sooths; soothsayer; soothsaying; soots; sooty; sop; sope
  1. The soothsayers were a very numerous class.

  2. The Llayca, Achacuc, Huatuc, and Uira-piricuc were soothsayers of various grades.

  3. These nations, whose land thou shalt possess, hearken to soothsayers and diviners: but thou art otherwise instructed by the Lord thy God.

  4. And Saul had put away all the magicians and soothsayers out of the land.

  5. And the woman said to him: Behold thou knowest all that Saul hath done, and how he hath rooted out the magicians and soothsayers from the land: why then dost thou lay a snare for my life, to cause me to be put to death?

  6. That make void the tokens of diviners, and make the soothsayers mad.

  7. For thou hast cast off thy people, the house of Jacob: because they are filled as in times past, and have had soothsayers as the Philistines, and have adhered to strange children.

  8. To avert the recurrence of such a confusion of the seasons, the soothsayers are reported to have enjoined the king to pour human blood once a year on the base of the broken shaft of the pillar, and also upon the throne.

  9. At that time a great pillar of iron is said to have stood at the entrance of the capital, which by the advice of the soothsayers was broken down by order of the king, upon which the seasons became regular again.

  10. Some three centuries before Christ, one of the Parthian kings of Persia, of the dynasty of the Arsacid, undertook a persecution of the soothsayers and magicians in his realms.

  11. Too much in awe of the soothsayers to do them outright violence, the king resolved to banish them, and to this end put them, with their families, on ships and sent them to Ceylon.

  12. Braesig had as great a knowledge of human nature and of the human heart as if he had been a soothsayer, but like all soothsayers he spoke darkly, and so Mrs. Nuessler was unable to understand what he meant.

  13. Braesig had another fault in common with all soothsayers and that was that he never answered a direct question unless it suited him to do so.

  14. Then he consulted his soothsayers and his councillors, and they gave him advice that he should put Moses to death with the sword.

  15. Next morning the king sent for his soothsayers to explain the dream, and this was their interpretation; “Hear, O king!

  16. They resolved also to defeat, and utterly to destroy Abraham, the servant of the Most High; for Nimrod (Amraphel) remembered the perils to which his soothsayers had assured him he was exposed so long as Abraham lived.

  17. On the night on which Abraham was born, Terah’s friends, amongst whom were many councillors and soothsayers of Nimrod, were feasting in the house.

  18. The thing was regarded in the light of a prodigy, as indeed it was, and the soothsayers declared that sovereignty should reside in that state, a citizen of which had sacrificed this heifer to Diana.

  19. If six other soothsayers were of the same opinion, the Scolote mentioned by the first was beheaded.

  20. The king then caused the three most famous soothsayers to come to him, of whom there were many among the Scoloti.

  21. Then the three soothsayers named to the king the man who had taken the false oath.

  22. They are replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and agree with the children of strangers.

  23. He erected the temple of Apollo [152] in that part of his house on the Palatine hill which had been struck with lightning, and which, on that account, the soothsayers declared the God to have chosen.

  24. He forbade the soothsayers to be consulted in private, and without some witnesses being present.

  25. Delian soothsayers had predicted to Athens the sovereignty of the seas [Semius Delius, ap.

  26. The soothsayers of Telmessus predict to him that Sardis will be impregnable if the animal be taken along the walls.

  27. The Magians and wise men formed the most dignified portion of the court; they surrounded the king’s person, and were indispensable to him as soothsayers and diviners.

  28. This form of composition may have been practised and preserved by the old soothsayers (Kahin) after it had been generally superseded by the new-fangled and rigidly metrical poetry.

  29. There was first the era of spirits when men were doubtful of the friendliness of ghosts, and held it safer in general to trust to soothsayers for guidance in life.

  30. And Daniel made answer before the king and said: The secret that the king desireth to know, none of the wise men, or the philosophers, or the diviners, or the soothsayers can declare to the king.

  31. He strove in vain to recover it, either by the efforts of his own memory or by the skill of the wise men and soothsayers of Babylon.

  32. The soothsayers had agreed that this was an omen of great success, and augured the height of fame for the still youthful Vespasian.

  33. For the soothsayers had given out that the building must not be desecrated by the use of stone or gold that had been put to any other purpose.

  34. At the end of Mucianus' speech the others all pressed round with 78 new confidence, offering their encouragement and quoting the answers of soothsayers and the movements of the stars.

  35. Claudius had established a College of Soothsayers in Rome.

  36. Seers were sitting in the doorway, On the upper benches sorcerers, By the hearth were soothsayers seated, 400 There a Lapland bard was singing, Hoarsely singing songs of Hiisi.

  37. To these soothsayers men went as well as to the lot before Jehovah; they desired to know whether there would be rain or drought, where a lost beast was to be found; they inquired for remedies for disease.

  38. The soothsayers even pronounced sentences at law, and their sentence was then as the sentence of Jehovah.

  39. The soothsayers whom he consulted on the matter prognosticated for him a successful career: "Thou holdest the south countries; seize thou those of the north, and let the crowns of the two regions gleam upon thy brow!

  40. The Etruscan soothsayers considered it a disastrous sign; the philosophers interpreted it favourably.

  41. The soothsayers and the philosophers took opposite sides.

  42. It is also said they were so exasperated against the soothsayers and papas, that two of them were butchered for a sacrifice.

  43. But the worst thing these soothsayers and papas affirmed was, its being impossible to conquer us excepting during the night-time, for we were helpless as soon as the sun, from which we received all our strength, had gone down.

  44. Astyages now again consulted the soothsayers as to his safety in recognizing Cyrus as his grandson and giving him his royal place at court.

  45. Cæsar received many warnings of his approaching fate, and the soothsayers reported many strange omens which betokened some portentous event.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "soothsayers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.