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Example sentences for "soothly"

Lexicographically close words:
soothfast; soothfastness; soothing; soothingly; soothings; sooths; soothsayer; soothsayers; soothsaying; soots
  1. Then we shall yclep thee Sir Myles, for thou art a soothly errant-knight.

  2. Maybe I live thus so that he may not know what I really am in soothly earnest.

  3. Is it in me ever to make a worthy knight, fit to hold lance and sword with other men, or am I only soothly a dull heavy block, worth naught of any good?

  4. Methinks he will be better serving so than in the household, for he appeareth a soothly rough cub for a page.

  5. All I know is that others serve them who are haply as good and maybe better than I be, and that if I do not serve them I get knocked i' th' head therefore, which same goeth soothly against my stomach.

  6. And, indeed, from all thou has told me, I do soothly think that he and Sir James mean to befriend thee and hold thee privily in kind regard.

  7. For soothly thou art oon of his assent, (430) To sleen us yonge folk, thou false theef!

  8. And whan that feith is broken and lorn, soothly Cristendom stant [628] veyn and with-outen fruit.

  9. Wherfore I seye, that folk that maken hir servants to travaillen to grevously, or out of tyme, as on halydayes, soothly they do greet sinne.

  10. Ther is a maner tree, as seith seint Isidre, that whan men maken fyr of thilke tree, and covere the coles of it with asshen, soothly the fyr of it wol lasten al a yeer or more.

  11. Lo, here may ye seen that Iob preyde respyt a whyle, to biwepe and waille his trespas; for soothly oon day of respyt is bettre than al the tresor of the world.

  12. Of whiche soothly thise forseyde thinges, and mo than I have seyd, apertenen to pryde that is in the herte of man; and that othere speces of pryde been with-oute.

  13. Another Ire is ful wikked, that comth of felonye of herte avysed and cast biforn; with wikked wil to do vengeance, and therto his resoun consenteth; and soothly this is deedly sinne.

  14. Soothly a whyt wal, al-though it ne brenne noght fully by stikinge of a candele, yet is the wal blak of the leyt.

  15. Certes man shal loven his enemy by the comandement of god; and soothly thy frend shaltow love in God.

  16. Remembre yow that Iesus Syrak seith: "a man that is Ioyous and glad in herte, it him conserveth florisshing in his age; but soothly sorweful herte maketh his bones drye.

  17. Yet soothly if there hath been a shift of wind, that is not so ill; for then shall we be driven to other lands, and so at the least our home-coming shall be delayed, and other tidings may hap amidst of our tarrying.

  18. For soothly it seemed to him that it would be worse than death if they were all such as this one; and that if it were so, he must needs slay and be slain.

  19. For seen It soothly is, removed far within.

  20. He spake smiling, and she said: "Soothly he is waxen masterful, and well it becometh the dear youngling.

  21. Now soothly to say it, this was even what Ralph had feared would be, and he could scarce doubt Redhead's word.

  22. Ac it semeth now soothly To the worldes sighte, That Goddes word wercheth noght On lered ne on lewed, But in swich a manere As Marc meneth in the gospel: Dum caecus ducit caecum, ambo in foveam cadunt.

  23. Ac thorugh hir science soothly Was nevere no soule y-saved, 7690 Ne broght by hir bokes To blisse ne to joye; For alle hir kynde knowynges Come but of diverse sightes.

  24. I seide to hem soothly That sent was I thider, 6070 Do-wel and Do-bet And Do-best to lerne.

  25. For sith he hath the power That Peter hymself hadde, He hath the pot with the salve, Soothly as me thynketh.

  26. Were all men free to speak what they would, and not be called to account therefor, it were soothly to love their neighbours and show benignity.

  27. He was not witched with her gramary; and soothly I count in all that hall he was the sole noble that escaped the spell.

  28. But now can I do nought: and soothly I feel as though I could not bear to stand and look on.

  29. I knew only that the King was aware thereof, though soothly he counterfeited surprise as well as any man.

  30. Well, soothly we had enough and to spare!

  31. God helpe me so, I can not tellen whider We mighten goon, if I shal soothly seyn, Ther any wight is of us more fayn Than Sarpedoun; and if we hennes hye Thus sodeinly, I holde it vilanye.

  32. And that ye me wolde han as faste in minde As I have yow, that wolde I yow bi-seche; And, if I wiste soothly that to finde, God mighte not a poynt my Ioyes eche!

  33. Soothly he is needy: but one that is needy and emulous and a minstrel cannot be a god.

  34. Where that he be, I cannot *soothly sayn.

  35. Our corn is stol'n, soothly it is no nay, And we have had an evil fit to-day.

  36. Gat-toothed* was she, soothly for to say.

  37. Nor there was holden no discomforting, But as at jousts or at a tourneying; For soothly there was no discomfiture, For falling is not but an aventure*.

  38. But soothly I tell thee that I had the greater strength in that swimming, and endurance in the waves.

  39. And soothly I tell thee, O son of Eglaf, that Grendel that hateful monster never had done such terrors to thy life and humiliation in Hart if thy mind and thy soul were as battle-fierce as thou thyself dost say.

  40. The son of Beanstan soothly fulfilled his boasting against thee.

  41. I wis nought of my wife her manner of living ere I wedded her, but soothly sithence [since] she came hither, I know of a surety that she hath never companied with any such evil persons as be these Lollards.

  42. When she beheld him she said: Soothly I dare well say that Sir Launcelot begat him, for never two men resembled more in likeness, therefore it nis no marvel though he be of great prowess.

  43. And of the time to make mention, When I began on this translation, It was the year, soothly to sayn, Fourteen complete of his Father's reign.

  44. Firm stands the oath which then before My father’s face I soothly swore, Which Queen Kaikeyí’s anxious ear Rejoiced with highest joy to hear.

  45. But hear me soothly speak, O King, And learn the hope to which I cling.

  46. Soothly was Solomon gifted with a mighty dominion.

  47. Quoth the young man, "Speakest thou soothly or dost thou but jest with me?

  48. Certes, said Gawaine, soothly have ye said, that I see it openly.

  49. Worldly lovers soothly words or ditties of our song may know, for the words they read: but the tone and sweetness of that song they may not learn.

  50. Heat soothly I call when the mind truly is kindled in Love Everlasting, and the heart on the same manner to burn not hopingly, but verily is felt.

  51. But soothly this is a perilous thing that the Dusky Men are gotten so close to the Vale.

  52. Ey save you both; for dern love sayen soothly Where is thylk amebly franklin, cleped Meanwell?

  53. But begone, And watch by Timagetus' wrestling-school: There doth he haunt, there soothly take his rest.

  54. There soothly men were loth to die, Though sometimes in his misery A man would say "Would I were dead!

  55. If thou it pluck, soothly to say, Thy soul goes to the fire of hell; It comes never out or Doomèsday, 135 But there in pain aye for to dwell.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "soothly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.