He views its dark line on the distant sky, And Fancy leads him to his little home, He sees his weeping love, he hears her sigh, He sooths her griefs, and tells of joys to come.
It eases and unloads the Mind, clears and improves the Understanding, engenders Thoughts and Knowledge, animates Virtue and good Resolution, sooths and allays the Passions, and finds Employment for most of the vacant Hours of Life.
Chearfulness bears the same friendly regard to the Mind as to the Body: It banishes all anxious Care and Discontent, sooths and composes the Passions, and keeps the Soul in a Perpetual Calm.
Hope, the balm of life, soothsus under every misfortune.
Hope the balm of lifesooths us under every misfortune.
To catch the faint, expiring sigh; A moment's transport stays the fleeting breath, And sooths the soul on the pale verge of death.
Beneath thy olive's grateful shade, Pour the mild bliss thatsooths the tuneful mind, And in thy zone the hostile spirit bind.
While sorrows thus his patriarch pride control, Hesper reproving sooths his tender soul: Father of this new world, thy tears give o'er, Let virtue grieve and heaven be blamed no more.
At last a simple universal sound Winds thro the welkin, sooths the world around, From echoing shores in swelling strain replies, And moves melodious o'er the warbling skies.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sooths" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.