Valonia is well adapted for the tannage of sole leather in conjunction with oak bark, for it deposits a heavy bloom (ellagic acid), imparts weight and solidity, and increases the resistance of the leather to moisture.
This grease is very difficult to remove and reduces the selling value of sole leather by about 2d.
In the manufacture of sole leather, for example, limed hides, after washing in water, may be suspended in a solution of Neradol containing 3 to 5 lb.
Leather board, an imitation of sole leather, made of leather scraps, rags, paper, etc.
Sole leather, thick, strong, used for making the soles of boots and shoes, and for other purposes.
The leather trade of Leeds is the largest in England, though no sole leather is tanned.
The carrying case is of sole leather, lined with purple velvet.
A little society, like the colic, goes a long way, and you want to remember that a man, like a piece of sole leather, usually figures out to what he is.
Sole leather is mainly manufactured from butt pelt, and the great aim is to produce a firm, thick, waterproof and smooth grained leather which will bend without cracking.
The Irish "Kerrys" are small but stout, and yield hides suitable for light sole leather.
Sole leather is dried out and finished immediately after tanning, but dressing leather is often "rough dried" out of tan liquors and wet back for finishing when required.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sole leather" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.