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Example sentences for "solemn oath"

  • My secret I will keep from him while I can; I swore a solemn oath by my father's death-bed to do so.

  • On that night he revealed to her the truth, under a solemn oath of secrecy.

  • Her father turnd him round about, A solemn oath sware he, Saying, She shall be the bride this night, And you bridegroom shall be.

  • The Eastmure king swore a solemn oath, He would keep it till May, That he would murder the king of Onore, Upon his wedding day.

  • I and my forbears here did haunt Three hundred years and more; I'm safe to swear a solemn oath We were never beat before.

  • Then he did swear a solemn oath, By a' his gowd and land, Nae injury to them's be dune, Whether it be maid or man.

  • As soon as he had taken possession of the palace of Constantinople, his first care was to remove the apprehensions of his kinsmen, by a solemn oath which he pledged for their security.

  • Chayon bound himself by a solemn oath, given to be broken at the first opportunity.

  • He convened a meeting in the synagogue, and took a solemn oath that he did not adhere to a single article of the Sabbatian creed; if he did, might fire and brimstone descend on him from heaven!

  • As soon as he had finished his tale, Apollo exclaimed that he would grant him any proof he wished, and confirmed these words by a solemn oath.

  • With artful words she so worked upon the guileless nature of her rival, that, when Jupiter next came, the maiden used all her blandishments to extort from him a solemn oath to grant any request she chose to make.

  • The elector and electress are reported to have taken a solemn oath in the presence of their whole court never to bow or submit to France, and never to prove recreant to the interests of Germany.

  • Palm placed his hand on his wife's head as if going to take a solemn oath.

  • Much capital is made by the organization of the fact that each person who becomes a "citizen" of the "Invisible Empire" is required to take a solemn oath to support the Constitution of the United States.

  • The most disagreeable feature of the whole procedure is the absolute necessity of going on record publicly as violating a solemn oath, a pledge of honor, and an obligation that would ordinarily be considered sacred.

  • It was thus that the Spartans found themselves bound by solemn oath to obey Lycurgus' laws forever; and as long as they remembered this promise, they were a thriving and happy people.

  • This was formed of three hundred brave young Thebans, who took a solemn oath never to turn their backs upon the enemy or to surrender, and to die for their native country if necessary.

  • He then forced Artaxerxes, the Persian king, to swear a solemn oath that he would never again wage war against the Athenians, and forbade the Persian vessels ever to enter the Ægean Sea.

  • She said, and Jove, the snare unseeing, swore A solemn oath; but found his error soon.

  • The Fisherman accepted his promises on both conditions, not to trouble him as before, but on the contrary to do him service; and, after making firm the plight and swearing him a solemn oath by Allah Most Highest he opened the cucurbit.

  • For ye shall know that the King's Minister, a calligrapher of renown, is dead, and the King hath sworn a solemn oath that he will make none Wazir in his stead who cannot write as well as he couId.

  • He promises, under a solemn oath, that he will never say it any more, when he is determined to proclaim it again the very first opportunity!

  • Every load of that ground sold then, was not only an act of simony, but the breaking of a solemn oath!

  • What added to the gravity of that public iniquity, is that the Bishop of Chicago had received that piece of land from the city, for a burial ground, only after they had taken a solemn oath to use it only for burying the dead.

  • Oh (and she repeated a solemn oath) had I not believed that you could practise magic, I should never have consented to be locked up with you; do you know that?

  • He swore with a solemn oath that he would be true to you, if you would write a word to the Doctor.

  • She swore with a solemn oath, asking how it was to be got here?

  • Bigotry was his last sentiment in the hour of death; and he exacted from his successor a solemn oath, that he would never tolerate the sectaries of Athanasius.

  • The Czar also said that Alexis must renounce the succession to the crown, and must confirm the renunciation by a solemn oath, and acknowledge it by signing a declaration, in writing, to that effect with his own hand.

  • Nor will I ever hereafter lay claim to the succession, as I call God to witness by a solemn oath, in confirmation whereof I write and sign this letter with my own hand.

  • In parting from you, I took a solemn oath never to see you again, and to die without the supreme consolation of feeling your lips upon my forehead.

  • But I took a solemn oath that he should never have a farthing of the wealth he coveted, and neither threats nor BLOWS could compel me to assert my claim.

  • Even that might be, Would ye, ye seamen, by a solemn oath Assure me of a safe conveyance home.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "solemn oath" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    already present; among others; copper sulphate; each others; eating house; fear lest; first cost; folks used; heavy snow; literary merit; long black; much respect; particularly those; pulled away; rational knowledge; several writers; solemn assembly; solemn declaration; solemn oath; solemn procession; solemn promise; solemn tone; solemnly declare; three pints; under certain; what will