Other snowballs were lifted on top of the first large ones, and snow packed in the cracks until, when afternoon came, there were four walls of snow, much higher than the heads of the children.
Some of the boys cut up so, and threw snowballs at Jack.
So they coasted, they made snowmen, rolled big snowballs and the boys even started to build a snow fort, for the white flakes were wet enough to pack well and stay in place once they were piled up.
It was fun for Skyrocket, too, the dog leaping here and there, barking and chasing snowballs which the girls threw for him to race after.
First a number of big snowballs were rolled and placed one after the other in the form of a square on the ground.
The hospice has put on a summer garb, and is wholly devoid of snowballs or other wintry emblems.
We made snowballs at Enmore and enjoyed the usual schoolboy amusements connected therewith.
Stanley at the top of his voice, and then the eager juniors and seniors launched their snowballs with all the swiftness and accuracy of aim at their command.
Snowballs were now flying in all directions, and it was quite probable that in the excitement many of the students let fly at their friends instead of at the enemy; but it was all good, clean sport, and everybody enjoyed it greatly.
Just see how I am loaded up," and he glanced down at both hands, which were filled with snowballs, and at thesnowballs held under either arm.
There was such a congestion that to make or throw more snowballs was out of the question, and the most a fighter could do was to snatch up a handful of loose snow and thrust it down the neck of the student opposing him.
Should he make a grab at the loose-lying reins, and by jerking them surprise the horse, or would he be more frisky if the half-dozen snowballs which he had been making were all hurled at him at once?
It looked lively enough just then, with almost a dozen lads hurling the snowballs with might and main.
Frank, when he had all the hard snowballs he could conveniently carry.
Will left them shying a few snowballs at a tin can Bluff had set on a fence-post.
I don't know what this town is coming to, when a pack of boys are allowed to fight battles right on the public streets, and with stones in their snowballs at that!
A tumult of shouts and laughter rose into the frosty air from a group of boys, ranging in age from ten to twelve years, who were throwing and dodging snowballsnear the railroad station in the little town of Clinton.
The laughing group of boys and girls gathered around her, and Bobby and Scat began to make snowballs for Betty.
Ten yards then, twenty snowballs made before you begin, and then go as you please.
Snowballs were discharged at the bottom of the glacis, the slope was climbed, and the enemy arrived almost at the very walls, before Sweetheart made a motion.
In a lower tone he added, "And I'll teach him to put snowballsin the drip!
The children in the sky were pelting each other with snowballs, and the snowballs fell into this world of men.
As it would have been a pity to waste heaven's snow, the snowballs were turned into hares, and those hares are you.
The shouts of the leaders, and the snowballs bursting like shells about our ears made it very lively.
Finding that the owner was disposed not to turn out, we determined upon a volley of snowballs and a good hurrah.
And so, with another volley of snowballs pitched into the front of the wagon, and three times three cheers, we rushed by.
And there she was, running about in the yard, chasing her shadow in the moonlight and throwing snowballs at the stars.
When it was done, all the children threw snowballs at it, till it fell to pieces.
And the little snow girl laughed and laughed, and was so quick she threw more snowballs than any of them.
Fortunately the white flakes packed well, and with a foundation of a number of big snowballs the fort was shortly in process of construction.
Joe and his lads had boxes and baskets of snowballs piled where they could easily get them.
I heard that Hiram Shell and Luke Fodick soaked a lot of snowballs in water last night, and let 'em freeze," went on Tom.
Just watch me," requested Hiram, and hastily taking some hard round snowballs away from a smaller lad who had made them for his own use, the bully threw.
It might be difficult to use snowballs to boil the tea-kettle, but the heat given out in the formation of the snowflakes is doubtless employed quite as usefully for the poor as if used in preparing their tea.
So Trouble did, making a lot of snowballs which he piled around the feet of his man, so that they might be ready in case the snow man himself wanted to throw them.
We'll pile a lot of snowballs together and fill in the cracks between.
He'll throw snowballs at the snow men we make if you don't.
And make snow men and snow forts and snowballs as much as we like," added Teddy.
Then we can get a little snow and make snowballs and play with 'em in here.
No, a small one will be better, and then you can throw as many snowballs at it as you want," went on Ted.
He much preferred to throw snowballs at innocent wagon drivers.
Mr. Layton admitted that his son had been throwing snowballs in front of the store on the night in question, but he stated that he had not thrown the ball with a stone in it that broke the window.
My windows are no heavier, and they've often had snowballs come against them without doing any harm.
I was thinking all the time that they were the hardest snowballs I ever felt, but it never came into my mind that there were stones in them.
I saw the fellows who were firing snowballs in this direction," spoke up Mr. Talley, a caterer, pushing his way through the throng.
They hastily gathered up several snowballs apiece, which were easily made because the snow was soft and packed readily, and ran toward the alleyway just in time to see Buck and his crowd emerging from their hiding place.
Illustration] The boys throw so many hard snowballs over the wall of the fort at the Pip, Skee and fox, that the bad animals were glad enough to run away.
Uncle Wiggily had made a lot of snowballs for the animal boys to throw at the enemy.
On the way they met the children, still playing round their snow man; and the snowballs with which they pelted them in the back were very real; but there again, the snowballs might have belonged to the dream.
Near this room is the Snow Chamber, the roof and sides of which are covered with particles of brilliant white gypsum, as if snowballs had been dashed all over the walls.
Piles of snowballs were placed inside the castle walls, and there were also heaps of snow out of which others could be manufactured.
They went on firing away with their snowballs as furiously as ever.
It was answered more loudly than before by the horns of the besiegers, followed by a hotter shower of snowballs than ever sent by them into the castle.
A pretty idea for concealing Christmas presents for the children is to make a lot of snowballsout of white tissue paper and cotton batting, and concerting the gifts inside.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "snowballs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.