We'll be snowbound and no mistake," observed Andy.
There never was a more jolly breakfast than that aboard the snowbound coaches.
A second blizzard, and we'll be snowboundhere for the rest of the winter!
Then Dick had to go over all the adventures of the snowbound days.
Although we've been snowbound most of the time here we've had anything but a dull time.
During the day there were a lot of the Central Grammar School boys to be met, and each one had to have some account of the wonderful snowbound days.
But the loudest jester among the men was now silent, huddled deep in his great coat; and the young woman who had clapped her hands in silly ecstasy when it was announced that the train was snowbound was weeping and shivering by turns.
Many of the prisoners in the snowbound coaches had enjoyed the experience somewhat at first, for there is pleasing and indefinable thrill to unexpected adventure, and this, for a brief spell, had been adventure de luxe.
Once or twice he and his companions had been nearly caught snowbound in the mountains and he had acquired experience, not perhaps sufficient.
He had been snowbound before, and he knew the more than uncomfortable possibilities of the case.
Becoming snowbound they took refuge in a springy opening at the bottom of a forested slope.
A number sometimes are snowbound or killed at one time.
That must lead to Cariboo; but the snow lay already a foot deep on this road; and unless the Overlanders hastened they would be snowbound for the winter.
Then a packer emerged from the storm with word that five women and twenty-six men were snowbound half a mile ahead.
She was torturing herself with a conjured vision of a wild, high place among snowbound rocks, in the midst of which a slender figure was slowly sinking down, and a white and stricken face was turned toward her.
Do you recall a certain game played by a man higher in authority--younger than he is to-day--a game played upon a snowbound train in the North country?
They knew that it was a physical impossibility to poison six thousand sheep scattered over ten thousand square miles of snowbound landscape.
No momentary thaw came to carry away a portion of the country's icy burden, or to alleviate for a few hours the strain on the snowbound men and women in the lonely ranch-houses.
But you forgot one thing, Tim: We are snowbound here, and we can't get away any quicker than they can.
There was quite a gathering of snowbound people, and a good deal of the talk was on the question of how long the blizzard might last.
From what they said they are evidently snowboundhere on account of this blizzard, so there is no telling how long they will stay," added the former moving-picture actor in disgust.
The art critic did not want to becomesnowbound in Crumville, so he was only going to stay until the four o'clock afternoon train.
Let us be thankful if we are not snowbound so completely that we starve to death!
Outside, not a thing stirred in that snowbound world.
It meant traveling upward in the great snowbound reaches of Vermont mountain-country and tracking down a murderer who had killed a second time to gain his freedom and would stop at nothing again.
Whenever the storm let up, the planes, with only the pilots and the mail aboard, dashed across the continental divide, but for more than a week, Jane and her companions remained snowbound at Cheyenne.
As the plane roared over the snowbound town, men appeared, waving their arms frantically.
Ruth was deeply interested in Luke Shepard--had been, in fact, since the winter previous when all the Corner House family were snowboundat the Birdsall winter camp in the North Woods.
Lean are the camels but fat the frails, Light are the purses but heavy the bales, As the snowbound trade of the North comes down To the market-square of Peshawur town.
And when they reached the road--or the place where the highway would have been if the snow had not drifted over fences and all--they met the party from the station bringing up food and other comforts for the snowbound passengers.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "snowbound" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.