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Example sentences for "small brass"

  • On the back of the piece of wood fasten a small brass handle, B, Fig.

  • A hole is made through the center of the stopper large enough to admit a small brass rod.

  • In the other end of the elastic, make a loop to fit over the finger, or tie on it a small brass ring.

  • This bow can be secured in place by driving a small brass-headed tack through the ribbon into the top of the stake.

  • The strip may be used as a band, or attached to a slender pole by means of small brass rings.

  • The piece is kept in tension crosswise by small brass templets, to which the strings g'' are attached, and by which it is pulled towards the sides of the frame F.

  • The Scotchman bent to file the tooth of a small brass wheel.

  • McPhearson paused to hold to the light a small brass pivot he was filing.

  • The two sides pieces are now screwed to the bow piece by small brass screws.

  • This little piece is then fastened to a wooden post with a small brass pin, as shown in Fig.

  • A piece of small brass tubing is used to form the barrel.

  • They are made by bending a piece of small brass rod, as shown.

  • When the cement has hardened, drive a small brass pin or brad through the cap, and file the ends off flush with the metal surface.

  • To make it a direct finder, a small brass hinge is used.

  • Rivet the iron and brass pieces together with a small brass rivet in the hole A, Fig.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "small brass" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    infantile mortality; small apple; small area; small arms; small block; small bottle; small boys; small brook; small bush; small canoe; small class; small clump; small cove; small door; small dose; small fraction; small glass; small importance; small matter; small notes; small rock; small room; small stature; small steamer; small stick; small voice