Some ingenious sportsman could surely devise a system ofslings by which the dead weight of the game could be more equally distributed.
Taking vegetables, or rice, or other commodities to the bazaar, the carrier often slings his burden to the two ends of a pole worn over the shoulder, much as Chinamen do.
They breed in stony places, and amongst rocks, and many are killed with slings and arquebuzes.
I shall conclude this chapter by saying that these people of Llacta-cunga use lances of palm wood, darts, and slingsfor fighting.
Their bows are somewhat different from those used by the natives we had seen, and they employ slings from whence they throw stones with such dexterity that they prove very formidable weapons in the day of battle.
The voyagers are frequently obliged to unload their canoes, and carry the goods upon their backs, or rather suspended in slings from their heads.
At first they were not inclined to be friendly; for until the Captain pulled in ahead of the other boats, they kept their slings in their hands.
When a horse was landing for Pomarre in 1817, the slings broke, and it fell into the water; immediately the natives jumped overboard, and by their cries and vain efforts at assistance almost drowned it.
Upon this wall were gathered all possible instruments for repelling the enemy; great pieces of rock, slings for throwing stones, bows and arrows, and weapons of countless sorts.
They confronted it with sixty storming machines, from which, in one uninterrupted volley, poured spears, stones, and slings containing ignitible matter.
Whilst the girl's mind thus struggled to alleviate its pain and to mend the gaps made by the slings and arrows of poignant grief in its defences, Trivett stumbled downstairs and blundered against the pews as he approached.
As the days passed, if things seemed inclined to go happily with her, she was glad that she had put an end to their budding friendship, to regret her behaviour when vexed by the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
And they came together, and besieged them in the year one hundred and fifty, and they made battering slings and engines.
He came unannounced this time, and with him were seven fierce-looking soldiers, armed to the teeth with slings and stones, with bows and arrows, and with spears.
With their slings the Bolivian Indians can aim with great precision, for they learn the art when they are mere infants.
They carried also slings and broad knives in their belts of skin.
For defence against a foe whose only missile weapons would be javelins and slings and bows, this great wall made the city absolutely impregnable.
These two females carried rope slings in their hands, and the accuracy with which they could fling stones and hit the mark at very great distances was really marvellous.
To take off the slings of, as a yard, a cask, or the like; to release from the slings.
As soon as the yawl was seen approachingslings were prepared, and no sooner was the hawser securely fixed, than the slings were attached to it and a woman placed in them.
She was lifted out of the slings by Tom and Jack Harvey, who found she was an old woman and had entirely lost consciousness.
When the washing is finished he slings his nurses up to his neck with his trunk, or gives them a "leg up" behind in the friendly fashion peculiar to him, and shuffles back to the serai or yard to be dressed.
They are engirdled with slings as they stand, little dreaming that presently they will be snatched up, swung aloft, and lowered deep into a dark hold.
The picket boat came in without a hitch, but, when the pinnace was hoisted clear of the water the after leg of the slings parted and she had to be lowered back.
The Slings of this period have already been noticed (page 204): the cord-sling is figured in our woodcut, No.
Besides all this, they had more than twenty golden sheep with their lambs, and the shepherds with their slings and crooks to watch them, all made of the same metal.
Another form of tribute was the supply of so many thousand loads of lances, another of slingsand ayllos, and all other kinds of weapons that they used.
Those of Caitomarca came to the river side, whence they hurled many stones from theirslings at the Inca’s camp, and began to utter cries and great shouts.
The rope was lowered with a pair of slings at the end of it.
A traveller and slings were fitted, and Rawson volunteered to lead the way.
For the light "peppering" the animals received from the slings made the animals nervous and disinclined to face the shower of stones.
Meanwhile the other defenders of Spur Creek had been using their slings to advantage, first stinging the Greaser riders with vicious stones and then, more lightly, tapping the horses to demoralize them rather than to hurt them.
I saw the mounts cast up against the town, And how the slingswere placed to beat it down: I heard the stones fly whizzing by mine ears, (What longer kept in mind than got in fears?
When the good Prince Emmanuel had thus beleaguered Mansoul, in the first place he hangs out the white flag, which he caused to be set up among the golden slings that were planted upon Mount Gracious.
He commanded also that the golden slings should yet be played upon the town, especially against the castle, because for shelter thither was Diabolus retreated.
Well, when the Prince's forces had broken open the gate, himself came up and did set his throne in it; also he set his standard thereby, upon a mount that before by his men was cast up to place the mighty slings thereon.
Then was an alarm sounded, and the battering-rams were played, and the slings did whirl stones into the town amain, and thus the battle began.
Prince Emmanuel, with his captains and men of war, would dwell in Mansoul for ever; and that his battering-rams and slings might be lodged in her for the use and service of the Prince, and for the help and strength of Mansoul.
Then did my Lord Secretary command that the slingsfrom the castle should be played; and his men could throw stones at an hair's breadth.
Another means the enforced mobility of the slings and a narrow stall as well.
To render the immobility of the region more fixed, to support the bones in their position by bandaging, and to establish forced immobility of the entire body with the slings is usually all that is required.
To secure the necessary immobility the animal should be placed in slings snugly applied, and kept in a narrow stall.
When rupture has taken place the patient should be put into slings and a constant stream of cold water allowed to trickle over the seat of injury until the fever is reduced.
When the trouble is from an injury, complete rest is to be obtained by the use of slings and a high-heeled shoe.
At the same time, if the subject remains standing, the slings should be used.
To accomplish this, put the patient in slings in a narrow stall having a slat or open floor.
A quick-witted voyageur caused the slings to be stripped from the men's packs and sent out the line toward Belanger, but just as he was about to catch it the line broke and the slings were carried away.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.