It seemed natural to him that he should reckon with the apparition of Rasmussan sitting at the foot of his bed and the four men playingskat in one of his down-stairs rooms as with realities.
And in that case all would be lost; but those skat players, it seemed to him, would go on playing undisturbed.
After a time the skat players, as usual, came bursting in, talking noisily and red of face.
Even the skat players gave their attention for a few moments at a time.
They had been drinking beer and playing skat ever since breakfast, in fact, except when they slept, ever since boarding the steamer.
At the skat table, the players were sitting, smoking, drinking whisky and coffee, and tossing the cards on the table.
As er sach ho sina eldra in frese weron, gripter sine boge fon-ere wach wei and skat nei tha foresta thera rawarum; this swikt and trulde vppet gars del; overne twade and thride was en elik lot biskeren.
Berga splyton fon ekkorum to spejande fjvr and logha, ora svnkon in hira skat del, and ther hju erost fjelda hede; hejade hju berga vppa.
Nw gvng Friso to andskat thet thorp mith-a keninglika farredskurum anda brond.
Tha wi by tha alda have kemon gvnger mith sina drista ljudum to and skat vnwarlinga tha brond inna skepa, ther-i mith sina pilum bigana kv.
That wrde to staden vnder biding that wi skolde helpa hjam with hjara swetsar to stridande, ther alan kemon hjara bern to skakana and hjara skat to rawana.
Some perspiring Germans were playing skatover in a corner.
He saluted the company with a peculiarly graceful gesture, which recognition even the gross creatures at the skat table returned with visible respect.
Only the droning electric fans, the rattle of a newspaper, the slap of greasy cards at the skat table, the slobbering gulp of some Teuton, guzzling beer, interrupted the sweltering quiet of the room.
When he had done these things, and gone back to his own land, one Skat entertained him at a banquet, desirous to mingle his toilsome warfare with joyous licence.
More than this, many champions of tried prowess were at the same time of his life vanquished by him singly; of these Attal and Skat were renowned and famous.
Endorsed by the "North American Skat League" as the Authority on rules.
Ersten has just lost the coat cutter who helped him build up his business, and he's soured on everything in the world but Schoppenvoll's and skat and Rheinthranen.
Players of Skat will readily recognize these terms and the value of the cards.
It had been their custom to play skat with Herr Heinrich, who had shown them the game very explicitly and thoroughly.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "skat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: blackjack; bridge; game