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Example sentences for "entire stranger"

  • Be careful to remember that it is unsuitable to commence a communication to an entire stranger an official letter, or one of ceremony, in reply to a gentleman acting in the name of a committee, etc.

  • Time was flying, and it was really almost growing dark; so I ventured to inquire of a gentleman who was passing, though an entire stranger, for the druggist's.

  • She answered she was an entire stranger in that part of the world.

  • But the time was now at hand when the ice which had hitherto bound the mind of the child with its benumbing power was to be thawed, and a world of sensations and ideas awakened to which it had hitherto been an entire stranger.

  • Yet I went not near him, certainly not from bashfulness, or timidity, feelings to which I had long been an entire stranger.

  • Yet I went not near him, certainly not from bashfulness or timidity, feelings to which I had long been an entire stranger.

  • Such a message and from such a quarter, did more to assure me--an entire stranger to my audience--a welcome and a friendly hearing than I could otherwise have hoped to receive.

  • Rude even to bearishness as he could on occasion be, Whymper would sometimes go out of his way to show courtesy and even to enter into conversation with an entire stranger.

  • If you see that another lady, though she may be an entire stranger, is losing her collar, or needs attention called to any disorder in her dress, speak to her in a low tone, and offer to assist her in remedying the difficulty.

  • It is well, if you are calling upon an entire stranger, to choose a seat, and tell the waiter to say to the lady exactly where she will find you.

  • He did not care to discuss the subject with one who was an entire stranger to him, wondering that he should introduce such a personal subject, and at such a time and place.

  • He had made a grand mistake in assuming that she should make a confidant of him--an entire stranger--in the event of her being overworked by his aunt.

  • Surely you are very philanthropic to be so deeply interested in an entire stranger," Mrs. Montague observed.

  • She seemed to be an entire stranger to every one, and very much alone, save for the companionship of a maid, by whom she was always attended, except at meal-time.

  • I should like to protest against being treated as an entire stranger," said Wolfgang.

  • The centre of attraction was found in the betrothed pair, or rather in the lover, who, an entire stranger to most of those present, was doubly an object of interest.

  • I was so unfortunate as to miss the ladies when I called yesterday, and so am an entire stranger to Fraeulein von Thurgau," said Waltenberg.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entire stranger" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    come vnto; dese days; empty chair; entire change; entire confidence; entire sanctification; entire stranger; entirely different; entirely independent; entirely new; entirely wanting; extraordinary occasions; facial expression; fortified town; great ship; greenish white; home again; next winter; second half; separate schools; seven years; sewing machine; small silver; strange kind; support herself; there had