The Simpleton of the North Mountain, an old man of ninety, dwelt opposite to them, and was vexed in spirit because their northern flanks blocked the way for travelers, who had to go round.
There was something about the project and character of the Simpleton of the North Mountain, that attracted the attention of the Serpent-Brandishing deities.
With a sigh theSimpleton of the North Mountain answered:--"Surely it is you who are narrow-minded and unreasonable.
The poor simpleton showed himself from among the ruins of a sort of greenhouse, that once terminated what was called the terrace- walk, but at first sight of a stranger retreated, as if in terror.
Davie and his mother were constantly on the watch to discover and avert danger; and it was singular what instances of address seemed dictated by the instinctive attachment of the poor simpleton when his patron's safety was concerned.
Another mode of distinction is to observe that forgetfulness is a quality of the simpleton who is defective in attention, but not of the fool who has only a narrow outlook.
To do so requires the appearance of sufficient foolishness to make the real simpleton believe that he is the cleverer of the pair.
The worst man may have done something absolutely good, the greatest liar may today tell the truth, and the simpleton may today act wisely.
Very likely not; and I am a great simpleton for allowing myself to be teazed with such trifles.
I heard the postman rapping at his hut-door--the young simpleton has got a letter.
From Gotham, a village of Nottinghamshire, with which name are connected many of the simpletonstories of immemorial antiquity.
The difficulty was that while he played the part of a simpleton who had been made use of by the rest of the gang, he must imply that they had to some extent taken him into their confidence.
Now I'd much rather look a simpleton than a homicide!
Do not look so very sad, my sweet girl," she said so fondly, that like a simpleton I cried the more.
Why, the weak simpleton thought of confessing her whole tale of love to her mother, and imploring comfort and assistance.
You have heard the story of the simpleton and his hair, now hear that of the simpleton and the oil.
You have heard about the simpleton and the bones; now hear the story of the Chandala maiden.
A certain gentleman had a simpleton for a servant.
You have heard about thesimpleton and the oil, now hear the story of the simpleton and the bones.
The simpleton agreed to that, and was taken by the handmaids into a secret dark inner apartment.
So it is better for a simpleton to rely upon his own sense, and not to take advice.
When he said this, the rogue for a long time devoured his substance, and brought to that simpleton a doctor who was a rogue also.
Indeed, simpletonas the major was, he had cunning enough for the whole of them, and initiated his diplomatic career by dispelling all their suspicions.
And although he had filled two graveyards with ruined husbands, and was preparing a third for the great number of wives whose constancy he had crushed out with the high price of his laces, no one was simpleton enough to blame him.
But how a man could be an adept in politics and a simpleton in so many other things they could not clearly understand.
Well, this poor forlorn simpletonthen sat down on a grave, and bid me sit beside him.
I knew the simpleton never told an untruth, being in no way connected with our political parties.
Miss Bradwardine then gave Waverley to understand that this poor simpleton was dotingly fond of music, deeply affected by that which was melancholy, and transported into extravagant gaiety by light and lively airs.
But the hypothesis was entirely imaginary; David Gellatley was in good earnest the half-crazed simpleton which he appeared, and was incapable of any constant and steady exertion.
You reproach me for not telling you more of Byng- -what can I tell you, my dear child, of a poor simpletonwho behaves arrogantly and ridiculously in the most calamitous of all situations?
In several of the following short stories and sayings the simpleton side of Satan's character is well brought out.
In some of the stories relating to the devil he is represented as a great simpleton and easily imposed upon: in others as clever at everything.
The young simpleton will be suing your pardon some day.
What a little simpleton you are," Maud says, disdainfully.
All who knew her were filled with astonishment, and the duke and duchess more than any; for though they thought her a simpleton and a weak creature, they did not think her capable of crazy pranks.
A peasant or a pettifogging solicitor might very easily overreach an astute diplomate over a bargain in some remote country village; and the wiliest journalist may prove the veriest simpleton in a piece of business.
An inventor and a simpleton often live in the same skin.
Marry, it were fine eating for him with blind folk and I should be a right simpleton an I saw not his drift and if I believed him!
If he would never contrive to cast the simpleton wholly out of him?
Remember the simpleton was not wholly eradicated then.
Moreover, in the process of exploration I had touched a good deal of pitch, and, the simpleton being still superfluously to the fore in me, I was squeamishly sensible of defilement.
Even a simpleton of a country girl must have been overcome by it.
It was done, I trust, with all decency, for I knew that I had the better kind of Calabrian to deal with; but neither the jovially intelligent man nor the pleasant simpleton would for a moment entertain this suggestion.
It seemed to me that my erudite companion was in the habit of getting fun of out his friend the brigadiere, but so kindly did he look and speak, that it must have been difficult for the simpleton ever to take offence.
The simpleton chuckled his rapture, and retired to his dim corner--to worship, one might have thought; he put his prize on a low table and grovelled before it on the floor.
The simpleton rose and shambled forward, a huge uncouth figure with a face like a platter; not an empty platter now, though, for it was wreathed in smiles.
I should have been near you and my grief, although feigned, would nevertheless have disturbed every simpleton at court.
The next morning the Simpleton took the goose under his arm and went away, unmindful of the three girls that hung on to it.
The Simpleton went there, and hewed away at the tree, and when it fell he saw, sitting among the roots, a goose with feathers of pure gold.
The Simpleton thought that the little grey man would be able to help him, and went out into the forest, and there, on the very spot where he felled the tree, he saw a man sitting with a very sad countenance.
But the other bird called him a poor simpleton to do so much work, while the two others led easy lives at home.
Then the Simpleton asked for his bride the third time.
The Simpleton again asked for his bride, but the king was annoyed that a wretched fellow, called the Simpleton by everybody, should carry off his daughter, and so he made new conditions.
And so the Simpleton earned a right to her as his bride; but the king did not like him for a son-in-law and made all kinds of objections, and said he must first bring a man who could drink up a whole cellar of wine.
The marriage took place immediately, and at the death of the king the Simpleton possessed the kingdom, and lived long and happily with his wife.
And the Simpleton answered, "I have only a flour and water cake and sour beer; but if that is good enough for you, let us sit down together and eat.
The Simpleton was quite glad of this, and said, "Get up quickly, and come along with me, and you shall have enough to eat.
I will take care that no woman ever makes such a simpleton of me again.
If you insist upon it, I will do as you ask; but it is making a terrible simpleton of me.